How To Become Involved in Video Game Testing

Jun 30


Gina Kraft

Gina Kraft

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This article looks at the how to get a job testing video games. Whilst many people would describe game development as a dream job, it can be a notoriously difficult industry to become involved in.


Recent years has seen the video gaming industry reach unprecedented levels of assimilation and recognition as a serious business and profitable industry more and more people are looking to become involved in this ever increasing and thriving sector.

For those who know how to program,How To Become Involved in Video Game Testing Articles video Game Development could be a fun and exciting job. For people who can’t code and whose hobby is playing video games, landing a job that involves video game testing could be a great way of having fun and get paid! However, despite how relatively straightforward and fun this role would be for a lot of people, it is no surprise that actually landing a job of this kind can be very difficult indeed. Let’s face it who wouldn’t want a job that would enable them to get paid for playing video games all day?

However, there are a number of steps that video game enthusiasts and aspiring employees can take in order to become involved in video game art services and testing. People who have a good work ethic can become very successful when employed in this industry. Although it can be generally quite difficult, with a bit of determination and perseverance it is possible to get a job testing video or computer games. Here are a few steps that can help people to land that dream role:

Step 1 – Update your resume for a role in testing video games

Just like with a regular job, you will need to update your resume to show that you have the skills to be able to test video games. You will need to be able to show that you work well on your own, have strong communication skills and an interest in Video Game Testing.

Step 2 – Apply directly to video game companies

Next, you will need to send letters and application to all the major video game companies, and the smaller ones too. Send as many applications as you can to increase your chances of landing that job.

Step 3 – Search of agencies who work with video game companies

A good way of gaining some experience can be to register with temp agencies who supply staff to the gaming industry. Working in a number of temporary roles or projects can be a great way of getting some experience under your belt, which will make you more attractive to potential employers.

Step 4 – Network with other game designers or testers

This isn't as difficult as it sounds. Designers play a huge role in the testing of video games so look for websites or forums to network with these guys. You will then be able to gain valuable information and tips that could considerably benefit your chances of being finding a job testing video or computer games.