Intelligent Mail Barcode

Mar 12




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Business is all about communication, and the most popular way of a company communicating with its customers and clients is via mail. If you find yours...


Business is all about communication, and the most popular way of a company communicating with its customers and clients is via mail. If you find yourself sending out mails frequently,Intelligent Mail Barcode Articles maybe it is time to invest in Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) management software.

The new IMB has 65 bars with 4 varying lengths that stand for 31 different characters. These 31 digits represent the following elements:-

* Barcode Identifier

* Service Type Identifier

* Mailer ID

* Sequence Number

* Routing Code

Using the Intelligent Mail Barcode system is very useful because not only does it protect you from mail fraud, but also give your company greater credibility in the eyes of the outside world. To implement IMB you need to invest in IMB management software. However, the choices out there are pretty overwhelming when it comes to this, so you need to be careful when making your selection. Here are some of the things you need to remember when you are faced with the dilemma of which IMB management software to choose.

Your software should be automatically able to create all three types of identifiers –the Barcode Identifier, the Service Type Identifier as well as the Mailer ID successfully, meaning they should all be unique. The software also needs to track the number of days a code has been used as every unique serial number stays valid for only 45 days. The software should archive it as soon as those 45 days are over so that it isn't sent out with the new mails.

Since most businesses do not have the time to retrain their employees extensively, these applications should be easy to understand and learn so that you save both time as well as money. An online interface is preferred because it would allow you and your employees to access the database from any location and any computer.

Many businesses need to use multiple mail identifiers for various purposes. If yours in one such business, you need to pick IMB management software that can manage all your identifiers simultaneously.