3 Magical Words to Win Your Ex-Boyfriend Back.

Sep 20


Dawie Mostert

Dawie Mostert

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When you loose your boyfriend, but are not prepared to accept that the relationship is permanently over, as you feel that the breakup was not your fault.


3 Magical Words to Win Your Ex-Boyfriend Back.



After losing your boyfriend and trying to get him back is not always a walk in the park. Most properly you have already tried to get him back but failed and that’s what led you here?

You want him back for good and now you're looking for a quick and easy,3 Magical Words to Win Your Ex-Boyfriend Back. Articles perhaps even magical, solution this time round.


Define what is Magic?


Sometimes magic is something mystical and wonderful that cannot be understood, much less explained. Other times magic is simply a trick of the eye or some sort of sleight of the hand that always has a solution.

Your definition of magic might be, something enchanting and wonderful or a mystery to solve, you don't need supernatural maneuverings to get your boyfriend back.




A few magic words certainly need help.


1.    Zip


 Just a little pop of fun, pep and life that is essential in all lasting relationships. Think back of what kind of Zip your relationship had lately?

Did the bottom fell out whilst things were actually going along swell?




Was the last few months a certain sign of going from sizzle to fizzle, more tears than laughter?

How long since you're not touching anymore, that you cant keep your hands off each other?

When last did you spend time alone on a romantic date together?


In hindsight it is now obvious. But how do you put the 'zip' back in after the facts?


a)    Start to add a little zip into your own life.

b)    Your image can be spruced up a bit,

c)     Get some sparkle in your appearance,

d)    Boost your own confidence and become the vibrant, active attractive girl you were when you first met.

 He will hear about the new you, if you two are moving in remotely similar social circles,  if not make sure that he does. This will drive any man insane with curiosity.



1.    Zam      


a)    Shapeup. Get into the best shape of your life. Whether it's adding a little tone or losing weight now is the time to really take care of yourself and get into shape.

b)    Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eats healthy nutritious meals.

These things are important because the one thing you want,      more than anything else, if you cross paths with your ex boyfriend is to come across as happy and healthy.


Normally he would expect you to be feeling a bit despairing, hurt, sad and heartbroken; it will really make him curious in what's going on in your life if you're going around looking better than ever.


2.    Zoom


a)    Don't stop your life to grieve over him just keep going on.

b)    It is your life and you can still commit yourself to living your best life without him in it.

c)     It's not forgetting about him and moving on.

d)    You're not letting go of the idea of getting him back.

e)    With method in the madness it's even better.

f)      It's showing him that you can cope and that you don't NEED him - all the while he's figuring out that he might actually need you.


Relationships can be complicated and aren't always easy, but neither is breaking up.

Now is the chance for your own magic.

Give him the chance to see that you're making it on your own, without him.

Very likely he'll make the first move so you will have no trouble convincing him that the idea to get back together was all his.


That my dear is the truly magical aspect of getting your boyfriend back - convincing him that he's the one who wanted to rekindle the relationship and make the coming together again happen.


You can now either listen to your friends or stand a chance to lose your boyfriend forever. Fight it on your own with this information that need some time or get fast acting reliable help at;

























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