3 Ways How to Keep Him Interested – Dating Advise for Women

Mar 20


Teecee Go

Teecee Go

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Have you ever asked yourself how you would keep your man? Keep in mind that men often look for three things in a relationship. What are these 3 important things? Find out..

Have you ever asked yourself how you would keep your man? If you’ve asked yourself this question,3 Ways How to Keep Him Interested – Dating Advise for Women Articles 'how to keep him interested', then you'll open your mind up to a little self-improvement.

Why Honesty Is the Best Policy

Let’s start with your level of honesty in the relationship.  Are you laughing at his jokes even when they aren’t funny?  Do you reach for compliments to shower him with?  If you answered yes, then you are probably trying too hard.  If his jokes aren’t funny, don’t laugh.  Don’t be rude and criticize the joke, just don’t laugh.  When he looks amazing, tell him.  When he doesn’t, don’t lie.  Don’t point out what’s wrong with his appearance. Instead, give him a gift that will look amazing on him. Don’t buy his love with excessive gift giving. The gift is an introduction to a new style, not a bribe.  Don’t use the gifts as an excuse to see him.  Drop it off at his apartment or leave it at the front desk where he works.  If you force yourself on him bearing gifts, you give the appearance of being clingy or even worse needy.

To keep him interested keep in mind that men often look for three things.

- Physical Appearance
- Emotional Balance
- Laughter

Physical Appearance - You don’t have to be a size five or have an hourglass figure to get his attention.  However, you do have to wear items that are flattering to your physique.  Get rid of that ponytail and buy a curling iron.  Visit your nearest Clinique counter and have them do a workup on you. That doesn’t mean you buy every product in the display cabinet.  Yet, you should buy the items that enhance your basic beauty.  The right shade of lipstick and little mascara will boost your self-esteem a couple notches.  Your physical shape or size is irrelevant.  How you present that shapely size is what he will respond to.

Emotional Balance – Drama queens are for the theatre.  Keep your emotions on an even level that won’t make him feel as if he needs to walk on eggshells.  Men like a woman that has her head on straight and can express herself without going into a fits tears or rage or self-pity.  He will respond to a woman that is sensitive; yet doesn’t break down into tears.  Men expect women to be emotional, but they can’t handle being put into the middle of an emotional hurricane.

Remember to be true to yourself.  If you agree with his every word because you don’t want a confrontation then you are giving the signal that you can’t think for yourself.  This is not an attractive trait.

Laughter – Laughter is the key to the soul.  Everyone loves someone that they can laugh with; someone that can laugh at their own mistakes.  A sense of humor shows him that you have a grip on life and that you can see the positive side of different situations. 

Most importantly, be yourself.  Feel good about who you are.  When you feel good, you give off an energy that attracts people to you. Hope this piece of information is helpful to you when you are trying to keep your man interested in you.

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