How to Be Romantic and Attract the opposite Sex

Mar 10


Don OConnell

Don OConnell

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To be romantic is something anybody, can be. Some of us just need a bit of help and advice on how to, get started. Read on for some useful tips, you can use to romance your loved one today!

Nobody,How to Be Romantic and Attract the opposite Sex Articles is born romantic. But like everything in life, being romantic  is something that can be improved. Although romantic body language, may  seem like it, come's easily, to some people, that is only because they’ ve had more experience and because they are, on the ball, with what  attracts the opposite sex. Because that’s really, how simple, it is.   Being romantic involves discovering, what your partner wants (not what  they need!), and then finding a unique way, to entertain those wants. Quite easy, huh? Let’s get one thing cleared up first. Being romantic  isn’t about some great, extravagant gesture, like flying first class to  Paris for a 2 week romantic fling. It’s about the insignificant things. Little things are simple things, that you do for your loved one. Regardless of, the fact that they are "little" they can mean a lot, because it shows, that you took a break out of your busy life, just to  let them know, how much you care. One thing that many of us want, male  or female, is to feel special and loved. It’s how you show them that you  love them, where the difficulties, come in. Some people feel loved when  they are told regularly, that they are loved. Others feel loved when  they are touched, often. And others see love in gestures and everyday  kindnesses. Of course, there are others that may need all three of the  above to actually, feel loved and safe, but usually there is one need  that, predominate's. You need to know, what your partner needs and  then you can begin working out what tactic, you will use to romance  them. Not sure what your loved one likes? Try something new and see how  they respond? Sooner, rather than later, you will, work it out.What is  possible, if your loved one, wants to hear how much, you love them? You  need to, let then know. But don’t just, spit it out and have it sounding  like, some kind of mundane response, to hello or goodbye or please pass  the salt.  Think about other ways, you can get your feelings, across. You could:Send them, a good old fashioned, love letter.Send a romantic email.Text them a love message.Place a love note somewhere it will be found easily, in their car or  lunch bag or under their pillow or taped to the phone receiver or their  computer.    For the child, in all of us! Use multi-colored, sidewalk chalk, to draw a BIG heart in red and write “I love you" in the center, of the heart. Do this someplace obvious, like your driveway, so that when your partner  arrives home, they will be greeted, by it, right away. Make a long list  of the many reasons, why you love your partner and have the list framed  and give it, to them. If you don’t stay, in the same place, telephone  your loved one, just to say goodnight and recite a favorite love poem, before, wishing then, sweet dreams. Give your loved one a compliment, about how nice they look or what their smile does to you. If your loved  one needs frequent, physical contact to feel loved, then please, touch  or hug them. Also try giving them, a massage – back and feet, are good  areas, at the end of a work week, is always a highlight!Keep in  personal contact, as much as possible, for example, when watching TV  together, eating dinner (it doesn’t just have to be hands, you can make  sure your feet or legs are touching). Give them spontaneous hugs. Put your arm around your loved one, in public. Hold hands as you walk side by side. Cuddle up in your pj’s and watch a romantic, fun movie together. Make sure you kiss them when you get home and kiss them, before you leave. If your actions speak louder than words, for your loved one, then you’ll want to concentrate, on gestures, that express your feelings.You can try:While your partner showers, heating up his or her towel in the dryer.Have flowers sent, to your partner at work.Surprise your partner by arriving home, with their favorite drink, snack, or ice-cream. Make an appointment, for an affectionate lunch date, with your partner. Then afterward, send a virtual ecard. Tell them how much you enjoyed, the lunch together.Telephone your partner in the middle of the day, to discuss your  romantic ideas for that evening.Write your own love coupon offering an hour of your time, as their personal love slave.Cook a favorite meal, for your partner and then consume it, slowly, by candlelight.Choose a bouquet of wild flowers and present them with a kiss.Call spontaneously at their work to say “I am thinking of you.”If they enjoy, all of the above, then you can really go crazy and mix it  all up together. The only limitation, is your own imagination and the  longing, to make it happen. May you find, true love, together, forever,  enjoy :)Want more ebooks, which you can read, on the Go, with many useful titles  and a Free signup, then check out this Great new membership website at

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