20 Questions you should ask before entering into an online business.

May 30


Michael Goodchild

Michael Goodchild

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Discover 20 essential questions you should ask before entering an online business. Find out how to be successful in your online busiiness opportunity.


Entering into business online is no different to entering into business offline however so many people enter into business on a hope and a dream. They look at the compensation plan of the product and see the vision. There are however some very important questions that should be asked before you enter into an online business:-

·Has the company been around for a long time?

·What is the product?

·Is the product different from anything else on the market?

·Does the product have mass appeal?

·Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?

·Can you become passionate about the product?

·Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?

·Are there successful people in this business and who are they?

·What are the successful people doing to create that success?

·Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford and want or need?

·Am I personally financial ready to start a new business?

·How much will my monthly marketing budget need to be in order to be successful?

·How well does the marketing process convert? ·Is the business truly duplicable?

·Does the product have Longevity?

·Is the product available for free? (A lot of information based products are)

·What would be my break even point?

·Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or

·is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?

·Is the business easily Copied?

You must also consider are you right for the business. The business that you are looking at is probably some kind on Network Marketing business and so unless you already know how to run a Network Marketing Business it is highly likely that you will struggle to get any sales at first.

Way to many times people enter into a business on a hope and a dream with barely enough money to cover the monthly subscriptions and they want to know how they can start making money with their business for FREE.

Now don't get me wrong if you know how to do it Network Marketing can be easy. The key to it is you have to have the knowledge first. Fill yourself up with knowledge (or Value) and then share it with others and they will want to follow you into your business. This is also called Attraction Marketing. You are attracting people to follow you by sharing some of your knowledge.

There are also certain key elements that you need to have in place before you can have real success in this business.

1.Traffic - Loads of it and the more targeted the better.

2.A high power lead capture page. You need to capture your own leads so that you can market different products to them (obviously only related products that can help them - you do not want to spam)

3.A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss (also called an auto responder)

4.A direct marketing style website that sells so you don't have to.

You see it's the people that look at the compensation plan,20 Questions you should ask before entering into an online business. Articles do all of the research noted above and have the knowledge of how to Network Market that know 100% that they will be successful when they enter an opportunity.

Network Marketing is not something that works some of the time or if you are lucky. It works all of the time as long as you do everything in your power to make it work.

Set a goal in your Network Marketing business and do not stop until you get there and you will get there - I promise!