6 Daily Actions To Succeed In Network Marketing

Aug 19


Chris Ford

Chris Ford

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Are you involved in a network marketing business. Online or offline? If you practice these 6 daily actions you will succeed. If you don't you will fail. Plain and simple.


There is no free lunch,6 Daily Actions To Succeed In Network Marketing Articles especially in network marketing. If you apply these 6 daily actions in your business, then your business will not fail. Furthermore, if you don't apply them your business will surely fail. These 6 actions are the only actions that will produce any meaningful results. Keep in mind that these actions, each of these actions, is done everyday. Not every other day do 1 or 2, then the next day do 3 or 4, etc. You must do all 6 everyday.

Daily Action 1 - Use Your Product and share it with others. This sounds simple, but there are network marketers so focused on the opportunity they forget about the product. Use your product everyday in order to develop your very own experiences with the product. You will develop your story and your testimony from using the product. When you share the product with others, you can use their testimony as well. When sharing your product be sure to keep it simple. You want others to be able to duplicate you. So keep it simple and be the messenger and not the message for your product.

Daily Action 2 - Share Your Opportunity With Another. When you share the opportunity, make sure not to pre-judge the opportunity with the particular person. You never know what that person is capable of. If you pre-judge you may miss out on a superstar within your organization that could make your lots of money. At least give the particular person a chance to decide for themselves if the opportunity is for them or not, never decide for them.

Daily Action 3 - Follow-up. Make sure you follow-up with those you have shared the product and opportunity. Not everyone will get involved in your business, but make sure you follow-up. You follow-up for an interest level first, then for a decision to move forward. When you follow-up and check the interest level, make sure you determine what they want from your business. For instance, are they interested in the product or the opportunity or both. When you do this, the company pays you for it. This is your business. When you follow-up you get paid. When you don't follow-up you don't get paid. Plain and simple.

Daily Action 4 - Build A Solid Team. In this step you teach and work with those you sponsor to insure duplication. Make sure your business and yourself are duplicatable. Duplication is where it gets very exciting. If your business or product is too complicated that makes it very hard to duplicate. So keep it simple. As you team grows, the people you have sponsored will be able to sponsor others and their team grows. This is the magic of network marketing. Keep in mind, you only need a handful of team builders to generate a healthy monthly residual income. My rule is find 6 good ones willing to put in the time and effort and that's all you need.

Daily Action 5 - Look For And Develop Self-Sustaining Leaders. Your looking for 6 people that have a strong desire to duplicate your business. The number of leaders your looking for may vary depending on your compensation plan. You may need on 2 or 4, not necessarily 6 self-sustaining leaders. You may have to find 20 or 30 in order to get 6 leaders who are serious. Those 6 leaders will become like business partners. You want to work closely with them until they become self-sustaining. In other words, they need no support. This time will vary with each leader. When they can effectively work the business without your daily guidance then that leader is self-sustaining. Developing these leaders will insure stability and continued growth within your organization.

Daily Action 6 - Self-Management. What is self-management? Self-management is sticking to your plans. Its observing your own daily actions and knowing when you are on or off course. Are you following the 6 daily actions?
