How To Use The Golden Triangle To Benefit Your Internet Based Business

Dec 1


Pasi Kaarakainen

Pasi Kaarakainen

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If you want to succeed with your internet based business opportunity and generate the desired traffic, you want to focus on getting within the golden triangle. If you plan on paying your way up the search engines, make sure to get in the top two or three. Otherwise, do everything you can to get your web site within the top three or four listings.


The golden triangle is a term that has been associated with the internet for quite some time now. The concept behind this term all relates to keyword optimization and pay-per-click management. If you can master this,How To Use The Golden Triangle To Benefit Your Internet Based Business Articles you will be able to drastically increase your traffic volume and sells with your internet based business.

After a great deal of research, it has been found that a majority of internet searchers focus on the content in a triangle. You can think of it like the Bermuda Triangle, as this triangle of content sucks people in. All of this has to do with the search engines and making your presence heard.

There is no question that getting to the top of the search engines for various keywords is beneficial for your business on the internet. As you search for something in a search engine, do you skip the first few pages and go directly to the fourth page? Probably not and you are not alone. Typically, internet surfers are going to start at the top of the page and work their way down.

The reason for this is because typically the web sites and results at the top are the most reliable and developed sites you will find for that particular search. There is a reason the sites at the top are where they are.

So the concept behind the golden triangle is people start at the top and gradually fade by the bottom of the page. If you want your internet based business opportunity to get exposure, you want to do everything you can to get toward the top of the search engines.

The highest visualization on the search engines is in the top three or four natural listings. Natural listings are web sites that worked their way to the top with keyword optimization on their web site. As for sponsored listings, only the top two or three got quality visualization.

What this means is people start looking at the top of the page and move from left to right. The sponsored listings are typically on the right hand side of the page. As the page moves down, people look less and less on the sides and focus strictly on the center of the page. Think of it as a triangle getting smaller and smaller until it reaches a point. This point is where people taper off and no longer search.

If you want to succeed with your internet based business opportunity and generate the desired traffic, you want to focus on getting within the golden triangle. If you plan on paying your way up the search engines, make sure to get in the top two or three. Otherwise, do everything you can to get your internet business web site within the top three or four listings.