Let Your Visitors Choose Your Keywords

Feb 15


Maria Marsala

Maria Marsala

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Sometimes we can be too close to our own websites. Forexample, while one person might call their rates -"rates"... you might call them "fees" or "price" or "cost"or "rack rate". Here's an unusual way to learn what"keywords" (words you use to find a web site using a searchengine such as google) to add to your webpages and to maybegain a little objectivity about your site, as well.


In the interest of making my growing web site easier for you- my viewers-to use,Let Your Visitors Choose Your Keywords Articles a few months ago I added an internalsearch engine feature to the home page. One of the bonusesof the program I chose is that I receive a weekly (andmonthly) report showing what words viewers are using tolocate different things on my site. By watching the wordsyou're using, I know better which "keywords" to add to mysite to make it easier for search engines to find.

The program I recommend and use is http://www.freefind.com/.This system is free if your website is less than 32Mb ofspace. You'll receive a free weekly (and monthly) searchreport, automatic page updates, a site map (a listing ofyour web page and what pages link to other pages on yourwebsite) and a what's new page, if you'd like one.

You also receive the code to set up the search engine box onyour site, which can be customized and includes a small adfor the company. When someone uses the search feature,they'll be provided with a few more ads, but so far, Ihaven't found any ads that would put my site out ofintegrity.

So let your website visitors help you determine the bestkeywords to use on your site. After all, they are the peopleyou want to find your website - your potential clients. Addan internal search engine to your site this year!

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