You Can Make Money Online With A $7 Report!

Jan 23


Riley West

Riley West

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You can make a hundred dollars selling a seven dollar report! This isn't a trick statement or a "cute" ploy. It's how you look at it and it's real, fear not. On top of that it's drop dead simple! Thank goodness...I am so sick of complicated ways to make money online that there were a few times that I slammed my laptop shut, kicked my desk, and went to the second fridge for beer. My wife won't tolerate beer in the first fridge.


I didn't get it at first. Actually,You Can Make Money Online With A $7 Report! Articles for being a clever fellow, I didn't get much of anything at first. What I'm going to tell you isn't perfect, but it's close.

You can make a hundred dollars selling a seven dollar report!

This isn't a trick statement or a "cute" ploy. It's how you look at it and it's real, fear not. On top of that it's drop dead simple!

Thank goodness...I am so sick of complicated ways to make money online that there were a few times that I slammed my laptop shut, kicked my desk, and went to the second fridge for beer. My wife won't tolerate beer in the first fridge.

Anyway, I started setting up some virtual real estate of my own. Since then I have come to realize that Internet Marketing (selling products by means of the Internet) can be done in simple ways and in vastly overcomplicated ways.

Lately, I ended up with a blog that actually has traffic, now, and it's increasing. I feel vindicated because I didn't receive my first Google customer until I had been posting for two months. Now Google comes and takes a look every day.

If traffic is finally coming to a site you have, you have a good opportunity to help them. In these cases I present offers that can be used by low level internet marketers to just get in the game and start seeing deposits in their paypal accounts.

Just one of the products I show are reports like "How To Make Money Giving Away Free Reports". You can buy these reports with full PLR rights and rewrite them to suit yourself. Or, you can write one . I'm about 50/50 on this. I'm writing this one.

The most exciting things to put into reports are your affiliate links to products that are relevant to the report. It's so simple, yet it's ingenious and easy to do.

You see, the idea is that the person who takes your free traffic report ($7 with rights) might be interested in another product you have that's like "Article Marketing for Targeted Traffic Report".

It's possible that you might even make more money GIVING the reports away in PDF form. Just make it clear to those who are picking it up that they have the right to pass it on as bonuses, etc. Either way is OK.

If your visitor takes the free one they can pass it on but it has YOUR money making links in it. Or, they pay for the rights (PLR) and they get to make money by putting THEIR links into it.

Of the people who pay for PLR rights, only a few will go on with it and the rest of them will pass them on with your links still there.

I could write an entire book on the psychology of people who buy How To Reports with PLR rights and then just let them linger on their hard drives. But, it happens and it happens a lot.

So, if it goes out free, you earn money. If it goes out paid for, you make money.

You gotta like this, don't you?

Now, get one of those reports, and put it where traffic that might be interested in the content of that report are showing up.

And check your paypal account.