Parrot Rescue

Mar 7


Rodney  Foster

Rodney Foster

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I would like to use this article to ... people on the ... of ... all the ... they can get to include reading, visiting zoo’s, and even try and find someone that has a Exo


I would like to use this article to encourage people on the importance of researching all the information they can get to include reading,Parrot Rescue Articles visiting zoo’s, and even try and find someone that has a Exotic pet they are thinking of getting. In the last few years exotic pets have been taking a rise in popularity, But at the same time exotic pet deaths and abuse are high also because exotic animals do not do well in our daily life style and for the lack of people being informed of what they are getting into before buying a exotic pet.
People tend to buy these animal’s on a whim and after they spend from hundred to thousands of dollars to get them home thinking they will be like there dog or cat and are suddenly exposed to a sudden shock that the pet they just bought is not what they thought it was or would be or that it dose not interrelate with them as they thought it would because they saw it on television interrelating with people.. People do not realize or do not understand the many many hours of work it takes to get some exotic pets to interact with human’s. Then it comes to the point of what happens to you when your pet get’s mad and bites you. I know I have been bitten from iguana’s, parrot’s, dogs and cats. None of these are pleasant when it happen’s, People do not think that some times they have are a bad day or they just do not want to be messed with, In our home in the evening time our Blue and Gold McCaw will start to bite you when he is tired, We have a Umbrella Cockatoo that will holler loud when he is tired before his regular bedtime. Every animal has it’s own personality and we have to learn each one we have.
Dealing with any animal is something you have to work on and working with Exotic’s is even harder because of all there special needs and constant over seeing. I encourage everyone to research everything you can before getting that special pet that you think might want, or if your child says it is just a ( lizard- spider- snake- bird) I can take care of it, or that parrot that might live to a age of 80 years old and outlive you. If you would like to ask me anything further please feel free to E-mail me at and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Also feel free to visit us at Thank you for taking time to read this article.