The Lost Art of Effective Communication

Apr 7


KS Bakshi

KS Bakshi

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The loss of effective communication is indeed a product of a failure to listen along with a failure of delivery. Using the right methods of communication like words of a person, custom logo of the company, and opening up to understand them can restore and enable effective communication once again.


The Lost Art of Effective Communication

People today usually blame technology and the race for improvement as the reason for the loss of communication. However,The Lost Art of Effective Communication Articles it is none other than our work. The biggest communication problem is that we are no longer willing to listen, read or look to understand. We only listen to answer.

Words can no longer reach the soul and perceive them as they appear on the outside. This is one of the main reasons why people turn away from each other and isolate themselves. For some reason, the art of effective communication is simply lost on the younger generation, perhaps because most adults aren't good at it either. Therefore, there is no reason to blame for the loss.

The Loss Of Effective Communication Is The Loss Of Self:

In the world full of technology and connection, how are we losing effective communication? Now more remote places and countries can have real-time connections and smooth conversations like never before. However, still, the most common complaint of people is that the other person will not understand them.

This bridge to understanding ultimately closes all the doors of the person, enclosing them in themselves. Leading, all to lose their individuality to the established standards of the world like robots. To better understand the loss of self, we will examine the reasons that led to it.

How are We Losing Effective Communication?

The art of membership must be restored before we are even unable to realize its loss. There are some factors to consider and work on to enable effective communication once again.

Do We Still Listen?

Think of the difference in listening to someone with the intent of just answering and listening to someone with the intent of understanding them. Can you see the border that separates them?

The former appears that the person is automatically blocking what the other person is saying while the latter appears that someone is listening with the intent of considering what the person hears, mean through the spoken words.

Therefore, to accomplish anything, we must examine, understand and consider ideas and ideologies that differ from our own. This openness can help you understand and inspire others to consider what you have to say. Starting courtesy to listen to understand is the key to embracing the art of effective communication.

Missing on Delivery:

The method of delivery of your message is of immense or sometimes greater importance than what you have to say. Parents who yell at their children for mistakes lead them to block the word and see it only as a cry. However, conveying messages about how and what to correct properly can help them improve and understand their mistakes. Therefore, learning and teaching the "how" part is crucial, otherwise the "what" part becomes useless?

The next thing to consider in delivery is when the words need to be communicated. It is important to focus on delivering your message by considering when to deliver it to make sure it reaches your target audience or not. Continuing with the example above, if the parent explains to the child after giving him time to reflect on the mistake she will help him understand better. If, on the other hand, the parent starts screaming at that moment, the child will not be able to understand the mistake or figure out how to correct it.

Final Words:

The loss of effective communication is in fact the product of a lack of listening together with a failure to deliver. Using the right communication methods such as a person's words, custom company logo, and openness to understand them can restore and enable effective communication once again.