Are Tattoos Sexy?

May 15


Ashley Ford

Ashley Ford

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Do tattoos enhance one's allure, or do they detract from it? This question has sparked countless debates and surveys. While some people find tattoos irresistibly attractive, others remain indifferent or even repelled by them. Let's delve into the statistics, societal perceptions, and personal anecdotes to uncover the truth about the sex appeal of tattoos.



Tattoos have long been a subject of fascination and debate. While some individuals find them incredibly alluring,Are Tattoos Sexy? Articles others are less enthusiastic. According to a survey, 34% of Americans believe tattoos make them feel sexier, with a notable gender divide: 42% of women versus 25% of men. Conversely, 42% of non-tattooed Americans think tattoos make people less attractive. This article explores these perspectives, backed by data and personal insights.

The Personal Perspective

I often find myself contemplating the allure of tattoos. Personally, I believe my tattoos are tastefully done and add a touch of sexiness, especially the one on my lower back. However, my husband doesn't share my enthusiasm. He doesn't dislike my tattoos or think they make me look trashy; he simply doesn't care for them. On the other hand, I find men with tattoos incredibly attractive. There's something about a man covered in ink that I find irresistibly sexy. Even some women, like Angelina Jolie, look stunning with tattoos.

Societal Perceptions

Survey Insights

A survey conducted in July 2003 revealed intriguing insights into how Americans perceive tattoos. According to the survey:

  • 34% of Americans believe having a tattoo makes them feel sexier.
  • 42% of women with tattoos feel sexier because of them.
  • Only 25% of men with tattoos share this sentiment.

Conversely, the survey also highlighted the views of those without tattoos:

  • 42% of non-tattooed Americans think people with tattoos are less attractive.
  • 36% of non-tattooed individuals believe tattoos make someone less sexy.

These statistics suggest a significant divide in how tattoos are perceived based on whether one has them or not.

Gender Differences

The survey data indicates a notable gender difference in perceptions of tattoos. Women with tattoos are more likely to feel sexier compared to their male counterparts. This could be due to societal norms and expectations around body art and femininity.

The Broader Context

Historical and Cultural Significance

Tattoos have a rich history and cultural significance that varies across societies. In some cultures, tattoos are seen as rites of passage, symbols of status, or even protective talismans. In others, they may be viewed as rebellious or unprofessional. Understanding these cultural contexts can provide deeper insights into why people perceive tattoos the way they do.

Modern Trends

In recent years, tattoos have become more mainstream, with celebrities and influencers flaunting their ink. According to a 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center, nearly 40% of millennials have at least one tattoo, compared to 32% of Gen Xers and 15% of Baby Boomers. This shift suggests that tattoos are becoming more accepted and even celebrated in modern society.

Interesting Stats

  • Tattoo Removal: The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reported that over 52,000 tattoo removal procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2016, indicating that while tattoos are popular, some people do regret them.
  • Employment Impact: A study published in the journal Human Relations found that 76% of respondents believed visible tattoos hurt job interview chances, yet 73% of employers said they would hire someone with visible tattoos.


The question of whether tattoos are sexy is subjective and influenced by personal preferences, societal norms, and cultural contexts. While a significant portion of tattooed individuals feel sexier with their ink, many non-tattooed people view tattoos as less attractive. As tattoos continue to gain mainstream acceptance, these perceptions may evolve. What do you think? Are tattoos sexy?


  1. Pew Research Center
  2. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  3. Human Relations Journal

Your Tattoo Friend,


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