Learn Guitar Slowly To Speed Things Up

Jul 4


Ricky Sharples

Ricky Sharples

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If you want to learn guitar you first need to learn how to learn. That's not just an empty new age phrase, you really do need to understand how your body learns, and how to cooperate with it. This article gives you some tips.


If you want to learn guitar there are a few general ideas that you need to be aware of. But it's one thing knowing that an idea exists,Learn Guitar Slowly To Speed Things Up Articles it's a horse of a different kettle of fish being able to put it into practice. For instance, one of the chief rules you should impose on yourself when you learn guitar is to practice slowly. Everybody's heard that before but it takes experience, disappointment and trying again and again before you are able to really understand the truth in this idea.

People say, "I don't have time" or "I don't have the patience" to learn guitar by practicing slowly. Those things are simply not true. You don't have the time to NOT practice slowly. You will actually learn faster by getting into the habit of letting your body learn in its own time. In fact, one of the first things you could focus on when you begin to learn guitar is to get used to the natural breaks that occur when you play scales or change chords. If you practice with a metronome, you will become aware of those moments when you are not able to keep in time without rushing or straining. This is because your body does not yet have a series of muscular movements set up to go from one place on the fretboard to another. Not only that, if you calm down and let your hands and arms move at their own pace, your guitar practice will be more enjoyable and you will find yourself looking forward to the times you have set aside in your day to learn guitar.

So when you see a professional guitar player's hands moving up and down the fretboard at blinding speed, it might inspire you to go and do some practice, but if you try to force your hands to match the speed of a practiced guitarist, you will be working against yourself. Not only do you need to practice slowly but you need to learn HOW to do it and WHY you should do it. And it's not because somebody has told you it's a good idea, it's because you have found out for yourself through trial and error.

The next thing you will need to learn for yourself is the importance of repeating your guitar practice over and over. When you can play something through in time, without stopping, that's the beginning. Your aim should be to play your piece without thinking. You will be repeating movements no matter what you do, so it's best to get into the habit of repeating chord changes and guitar scales in a relaxed, intelligent way so that you get the most benefit out of the part of the day you use to learn guitar.
