Why Did You Get Your Tattoo(s)?

May 15


Ashley Ford

Ashley Ford

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Tattoos have become a significant part of modern culture, with people choosing to get inked for a myriad of reasons. From marking life milestones to honoring loved ones, the motivations behind tattoos are as diverse as the designs themselves. This article delves into the various reasons people choose to get tattoos, supported by statistics and personal anecdotes, to provide a comprehensive understanding of this age-old art form.


The Many Reasons Behind Getting Inked

Marking Life Milestones

One of the most common reasons people get tattoos is to commemorate significant events or milestones in their lives. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center,Why Did You Get Your Tattoo(s)? Articles 29% of Americans with tattoos say they got their ink to mark a significant life event. This could include birthdays, anniversaries, or other personal achievements.

Personal Story: Celebrating Adulthood

I fall into this category myself. I got my first tattoo on my 18th birthday to celebrate becoming an adult and legally being able to get a tattoo. My second tattoo came on my 21st birthday, marking the milestone of being able to legally drink. I had initially planned to get another tattoo on my 25th birthday, considering it a milestone where one is truly considered an adult. However, this plan was shelved due to my husband's feelings about tattoos.

Honoring Loved Ones

Another prevalent reason for getting tattoos is to honor or remember loved ones. A study by the Harris Poll found that 31% of people with tattoos got them to honor someone they care about. This could be in memory of a lost loved one or to celebrate a relationship.

Personal Story: Relationship Milestones

I've been contemplating getting a tattoo to mark a significant milestone in my relationship with my husband. However, given his reservations about tattoos, this idea remains on hold. It's interesting how our plans can change based on the perspectives of those we care about.

Expressing Personal Beliefs and Causes

Tattoos can also serve as a powerful medium for expressing personal beliefs, values, or support for a cause. According to a report by the American Academy of Dermatology, 19% of people with tattoos say they got them to express their beliefs or support a cause.

Just Because

Sometimes, people get tattoos simply because they like the design or the idea of having one. The same Harris Poll mentioned earlier found that 37% of people with tattoos got them for no specific reason other than personal preference.

Interesting Tattoo Statistics

  • Prevalence: Approximately 30% of Americans have at least one tattoo, according to a 2019 Ipsos poll.
  • Demographics: Tattoos are most popular among younger adults, with 47% of Millennials and 36% of Gen Xers having at least one tattoo (Ipsos, 2019).
  • Regret: Despite their popularity, about 23% of people with tattoos regret getting them, often due to the design or location (Harris Poll, 2016).

Share Your Tattoo Stories

I'd love to hear your reasons for getting tattoos. Whether it's to mark a milestone, honor a loved one, or simply because you liked the design, your stories add to the rich tapestry of tattoo culture.

Your Tattoo Friend,



  1. Pew Research Center
  2. Harris Poll
  3. American Academy of Dermatology
  4. Ipsos Poll

Feel free to share your tattoo stories and reasons in the comments below!