Reducing Your Costs With DIY Solar Panel Kits

Dec 24


Jakob Jelling

Jakob Jelling

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If you have been looking for alternative energy solutions but been dissuaded by the costs involved, looking into DIY solar kits can significantly reduce your costs. Although there are a number of kits available, there are a few items you need to attend to prior to venturing into the world of renewable energy resource kits.


Your first concern with any DIY solar kit would be its adequacy for your solar energy needs. You do not have to purchase a kit worthy of converting your entire home to solar energy if you are just experimenting. There is a broad range of kits out there,Reducing Your Costs With DIY Solar Panel Kits Articles some including sample kits, so you can tailor your project to your own needs. Playing first with a sample kit will do two things for you: it will give you an idea of the amount of work you would need to do in order to take on a bigger venture; secondly it will give you a playing ground to make mistakes. You wouldn’t want to have to redo or repurchase a larger kit because you made a mistake in constructing it.

A different concern when finding the right kind of DIY solar kit is the amount of components contained within it. You want an all inclusive solar kit. If your kit is missing elements, this will cost you time to purchase the missing element, and time by having to stop or delay construction until the missing item is purchased. The elements of your kit should include: solder, soldering iron, flux, tabbing, solar cells, and instructions for housing your solar panel.

The company you are buying your DIY solar kit from is a primary concern also. If you are buying your kit from a store, are the people friendly there and willing to offer advice?  Do they seem knowledgeable about the solar system you are considering constructing? If you are searching through online companies: Do they have a well laid out website with frequently asked questions? Are the instructions on their website clear when you are searching and purchasing (unclear instructions here might indicate additional difficulty you will have with instructions in your kit)? Do they offer resources for you if you have questions on the product, or might have questions when putting the product together? Putting a bit of research into the company you are purchasing this item from might save you a lot of grief later.

DIY solar kits are like any other kit, you save money because you save labour costs. The labour is going to be supplied by yourself (and maybe a couple of well meaning friends), so you need to know that you are probably going to take longer to construct your solar panel solutions. Plan for extra time, and if your need is essential, put extra money aside in case you need to hire a professional.

With all this in mind, creating something yourself will definitely boost your ego! So take it slow, find a kit that’s right for you and get started on your energy solutions today!