All about microcontrollers and top rc helicopter models

Jan 9




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The world of rc helicopter microcontroller may be unknown to most people in rc hobby family. There are few people who know about the so-called microcontroller.


There are many types of rc helicopter models just as the respective microcontrollers,All about microcontrollers and top rc helicopter models Articles with their processors, performance, peripherals, memory and other features that we will see in more detail later. Might be wondering: why so much variety? To that question there are two different answers.

The first is very simple, where there are no money microcontrollers, and where there is money, companies willing to compete for a piece of the pie of this market. Of course, as market forces and competition are similar to those of any jungle, each manufacturer has created its own microcontrollers, different from the rest and with the aim of taking over the market, others have copied and improved existing microcontrollers; the final result: many different types of rc helicopter microcontrollers, which can give us many headaches.

The second answer is also simple: the microcontroller should be optimized and highly specialized, and will form part of the rc model system they control. Since there are so many different applications where a microcontroller can be used with different requirements of each other, then you need to microcontrollers also features different to suit different types of applications or requirements.

With all this, you might panic and think that it is almost impossible to do anything in the world of embedded systems design with microcontrollers, but nothing is further from the truth. Microcontrollers generally obey a structure that all rc helicopter manufacturers are required to respect.

Basically there are two computer architectures, and of course, are present in the world of microcontrollers: Von Neumann and Harvard. Both differ in the way of connection to the processor and memory buses that everyone needs. Von Neumann architecture is used in personal computers, for her there is a single report, where coexist the program instructions and data, accessed with an address bus, a data and a control.

We understand that on a PC, when you load an rc program into memory, it is assigned an address space of memory that is divided into segments, which typically tend the following code (program), data and stack. That is why we speak of memory as a whole, although there are different physical devices in the system.

In the case of rc helicopter microcontrollers, there are two well defined types of memory: memory data and program memory. In this case the organization is different from that of the PC, because there are different circuits for each memory and usually do not use the segment registers, but the memory is segregated and access to each memory type depends on the instructions of the processor .

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