Debt Fees - Are They Legal and How Can They Be Stopped?

Apr 15


Neil Robertson

Neil Robertson

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If you are in trouble with debt then you will soon find debt fees building up. How can you stop them?


Debt fees can really make the agony of debt far worse. As soon as you start missing payments then you will find a debt fee (or a few) added to your account. If you get to the stage of having your account chased by a collection agency then you will definitely have debt collection fees (that can be quite substantial) added to your account

Debt Fees - Are They Legal?

If you want to know whether the debt fees that have been added to your account are legal then in the first instance refer back to your original credit agreement. This should contain details of the fees and charges that the creditor can add to your account in the event of you missing/being late with payments. If legal/collection action is being taken then there are usually rules on a country-by-country (or state-by-state) basis laying down what you can be charged for collection visits or court time.

Debt Fees - How to Stop Them

The only way to stop debt fees,Debt Fees - Are They Legal and How Can They Be Stopped? Articles penalties, and interest being added to your account is by negotiation with your creditors. You can do this yourself but you will find it a very difficult process. It is much better to contact a reputable debt management company or charitable organisation to do this for you. In the UK I suggest:

The Citizens Advice Bureau - with offices in most major towns/cities - find their number in the book.

The Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) - A charity that helps people with debt problems.

The Payplan Partnership - The premier debt management company in the UK - can provide advice on your situation leading to either a debt management plan or an individual voluntary arrangement.