Debt to Pay - What is the Best Way?

Apr 8


Neil Robertson

Neil Robertson

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You have debt to pay off, but what is the best way to do it?


If you have debt to pay you may be wondering what is the best way to pay it off.  There are a number of competing debt repayment methods or schemes that will tell you that there's is by far the best way.  I fact there is no one perfect way to repay debt,Debt to Pay - What is the Best Way? Articles the ideal way for you will depend on your own situation an personality.  Consider the following 3 approaches:

Debt to Pay - Pay off the Most Expensive First

This method makes logical sense.  You sort your debts into order of the interest rate that they charge and use any additional income that you have to pay off the most expensive debt first.  In this way the money that you pay off your debt saves you the most interest.

Debt to Pay - Pay off the Smallest First

One criticism of the above method is that you might spend a long time paying off an expensive debt and not see very much progress.  This alternative method sorts your debts into order of their size.  You then use as much income as you can to pay off the smallest first.  In this way you will reduce the number of outstanding credit balances that you have at the fastest rate.

Debt to Pay - Calculate it Once and Forget it!

The problem with both of the above methods is that they require a level of self discipline and organization that most people that get into debt just don't have (I know I didn't).  My alternative suggestion is to try and work out why you have got into debt and address that issue. Once you have done that, then as long as your debt repayments are reducing your debt and you can afford them - just forget about them and concentrate on enjoying your life and not taking on any more debt!  Your credit balances will be cleared eventually as long as you keep up the payments and don't take on anything new.
