How An Elder Law Litigation Attorney Can Help You Plan for Alzheimer's Disease

May 30


Kerry Peck

Kerry Peck

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Coping with Alzheimer's disease is a difficult matter that can strain those involved. Planning ahead for its legal complications can ease the burden. A litigation lawyer with elder law expertise can be invaluable in helping deal with the legal issues that arise.

Alzheimer's disease is a debilitating condition that not only impacts its victims,How An Elder Law Litigation Attorney Can Help You Plan for Alzheimer's Disease Articles but can also have severe effects on caretakers and loved ones. As the disease progresses, the person afflicted with it loses more and more of their ability to live independently and to make reasonable decisions for themselves. As others assume responsibility for these decisions, particularly choices about such things as finances, health care, and estate issues, legal dilemmas can result. Although a good litigation lawyer can step in after the fact and help sort through the legal issues as they arise, the lack of preparation can have negative consequences and can make an already difficult process even more distressing. In order to deal most adequately with the legal ramifications that can be presented, it is best to plan ahead as much as possible with an elder law litigation attorney.    

Legal Issues To Consider

When a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, it opens the door to a whole host of legal matters. At the initial onset, the victim is usually still capable of making their own decisions. This is the time to act - to consult a litigation lawyer with elder law experience and to begin planning for the legal issues that will likely arise. Starting the process at this stage will allow the Alzheimer's patient to play a part and to express concerns and preferences regarding decisions that might eventually need to be made on their behalf. As the planning begins, the specific issues the litigation attorney should cover include the following: powers of attorney, possibility of guardianship, estate planning, long-term care planning, tax affairs, special needs planning, and protection of assets. Planning with a qualified lawyer for the legal complications these issues may pose will be of infinite value. It will assure that the patient and those involved with his or her care can use elder law provisions to their benefit, handle legal issues effectively, and minimize the difficulty of this aspect of the journey ahead.         

Choosing The Right Elder Law Litigation Attorney

When you begin to plan for the course of Alzheimer's disease and consider the legal issues discussed above, you will want to make sure you choose a litigation attorney who has expertise in elder law, knowledge and/or experience regarding Alzheimer's disease, and who you feel comfortable with. Moving forward with a litigation lawyer who possesses these qualities will ensure that your needs are met with competency, care, and sensitivity. Such a lawyer will be able to help you protect the quality of life of the Alzheimer's patient, ensure the financial security of the patient and their family, and propose and implement solutions to the unique legal issues that arise. 
Coping With Alzheimer's Disease - Let An Elder Law Litigation Lawyer Ease The Burden

Alzheimer's disease is a devastating condition, and dealing with all of its ramifications can be incredibly overwhelming. Choosing a strong litigation lawyer who is well-versed in elder law is crucial in helping you cope with the disease and in allowing you to focus on keeping your situation as positive as it can be.