Loan Factoring

Apr 6


Max Bellamy

Max Bellamy

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This article provides useful, detailed information about Loan Factoring.


Factoring of receivables is an arrangement whereby a company sells its accounts receivables to another company (banks and other institutions) that specializes in buying them and obtains the necessary financial accommodation. It is the most popular method of short-term financing in the US. Factoring offers the following advantages: relief to manufacturers and sellers from the bother of collection of book debts,Loan Factoring Articles saving in time and man-power required for debt collection, and last but not the least, adequate and better source of financing.

The factoring institutions render the following functions: Credit recording- that involves maintenance of debtor\'s ledgers, collection schedules etc. Secondly, there is Credit administration that includes the collection of debts. Thirdly, there is credit financing, whereby the factor advances money against receivables. Finally, there is finance and business information wherein advices are given to customers on current trends and challenges.

Commercial paper is an important money market instrument, which is in the form of unsecured promissory notes issued by firms to raise short-term funds. Certain conditions are to be satisfied before the issue of commercial paper. Permission should also be obtained from the credit rating agencies. Commercial papers are issued for a period ranging from 3 months to 6 months. Commercial paper offers alternative source of raising short-term finance, helpful in times of tight bank credit and is a cheaper source of finance.

Term loans are those loans that are extended for a specific period ranging from 1 to 15 years. Medium term loans are extended for a period of 5 years and long-term loans are granted for a period of 15 years. Term loans are granted for establishment, renovation, expansion and modernization of industrial units as well as meeting the requirements of core working capital and for repayment of bonds and preference shares. Term loans are usually secured. They have either a fixed or a floating charge against the assets of the company. They are granted on the basis of a formal agreement, which contains the terms, and a condition of providing loans.