Professional Training of Municipal Employee: Problems and Ways of Solutions

Dec 24


Anna Kudinova

Anna Kudinova

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Effective activity of local government organs is absolutely impossible without a municipal service. So, in the Russian Federation there is an urgent need for qualified municipal employees. It is necessary to apply effective measures for training, retraining and skills staffs. Intensive informatization of all spheres of vital functions characterizes the modern stage of development of society. This means the need for widespread use of information technology in all areas life of society and especially in the field of municipal management.


The local government is local. It autonomously within each municipality within its powers. The population within a defined territory and within the authority (as defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) carried out a public authority.

Self-management realize persons who hold public office. Citizens who have reached the age of 18 carry out this employ on an ongoing basis.

The purpose of this study is to identify development ways of municipal service.

Currently,Professional Training of Municipal Employee: Problems and Ways of Solutions Articles the problem of municipal service costs in their entirety, as the practical part of the majority of regional and federal programs are realized at the municipal level. Federal Law 131-FZ "On general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation" defines local government as one of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, also recognizes and guarantees is carried out on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The effective operation of local government is absolutely impossible without a municipal service. In the Russian Federation there is an urgent need for qualified municipal employees.

Realizing that for several years will happen a release of more than half of municipal employees, replacing senior positions, there is an urgent need to apply effective measures for training, retraining and skills development. Otherwise, municipal authorities encounter great difficulties because of the impossibility of substitution of these positions by municipal employees. The reason for this will be the absence of the necessary experience in the municipal service and the necessary qualifications.

The modern stage of development of society is characterized by intensive introduction of information technology in all spheres of life. Therefore, we need for broad use of information technology in all areas of society, and especially in the field of municipal management. Use of information technology offers completely new possibilities to increase the efficiency of municipal employees.

Accordingly, from the state and municipal employees expect the efficient use of new information technologies in their professional activities, the ability to self-development, the ability to find effective methods of management decision-making through information technology.

Information technologies bring citizens to the authorities. With the help of modern technologies, citizens can send their suggestions and complaints. Therefore, management processes are less formal and more focused on the dialogue of authorities and citizens. In its turn, with help of the electronic participation, people can actively participate in local government.

Hard enough to enhance the quality, reliability, confidentiality and speed of information processing, to provide online access to global databases and convert the information into any documentary form for later use, or storage of modern information and Internet technologies.

On the other hand, the participation of non-professionals, that is, ordinary citizens, and has a positive side. Unlike municipal employee ordinary citizen more directly and independently react to certain events in the municipality.

In the study, we have developed model municipal employee. It presents the qualities that should have a candidate for replace the post. There are three criteria for the assessment of state and municipal employees:

1) professional knowledge of the candidate;

2) the professional skills of the candidate;

3) the personal qualities of the candidate.

           Thus, at the moment the effectiveness of retraining and training of state and municipal employees is questionable. Therefore, it is prudent to establish appropriate scientific and methodological support to develop vocational qualification models and criteria for evaluation of state and municipal employees of all profiles. And, of course, must be connected to the efforts of researchers, teachers and themselves state and municipal employees.




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