Staying at North Carolina Made Easy

Nov 10




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Article about Raleigh NC Real Estate Listings


            North Carolina is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. According to the Money Magazine,Staying at North Carolina Made Easy Articles and the Raleigh NC Real Estate Information, the city is said to have developed as the most ideal place for stay in the entire states. There are newer homes, apartments and schools being constructed for accommodating as many people as possible. Owing to the present requirements of the city, the Raleigh NC Real Estate Listings have space for all of them. Following are some of the new constructed areas of the city that have found their place on these Raleigh NC Real Estate Listings:

  • Brittany Woods: This subdivision was constructed in the late 80s. The location finds its place in one of the posh locations of the city. The location has almost all the basic requirements of becoming the best location for residing. There are single occupancy homes available there for sale and also on rent. The planning of the houses has been done in a manner to ease the life of the occupants. The wooden floors and roofs. The supermarket stores, schools and hospitals, Churches, fire stations etc. have been constructed at short distances from the locality. The locality has 333 sites for single occupancy residence. The home sizes range between 0.11 acres to 2 acres. And the houses have almost all the basic commodities of use such as fireplaces, cathedral places, wooden artificial ceiling etc.
  • Bryarton Village: This is one of the most modern town homes in the entire NC.  This place has a unique mix of newer facilities mingled with the old small town attributes. The houses are constructed to give that orthodox look. The houses, restaurants, schools, churches etc. have been so strategically arranged to give the city a “feel good” experience. The locality consists of just 110 sites for residing. The prices of these are a bit higher than its other counterparts. According to the Raleigh NC Real Estate Information, these sites are on sole on the payment of $200,000. These houses have a ceiling of over 9 feet. They are very spacious and the wooden construction adds to its glory. They are centrally air cooled houses and also have fireplaces, kitchen utility items and around 1700 sq feet of space to move about.
  • Coley Forest: the oak forests and the coniferous trees give the locality this name. This is situated in the midst of Glen Eden and Glenwood. This is a much older constructed location and has its history heading back to the 50s. this can clearly be seen from the types of houses constructed over there. The conical terrace, the extended path way and the rocking chair gives these houses a very soothing and calm look. The houses there are multi storied, primarily from one to three stories. Most of the houses have a car garage. All the houses are almost equal in size and square in dimension. Basic amenities such as street lights and side walks can be found in the locality. The people there are so social that they tend to indulge in community pools and home keeper’s alliance keeps the expenditures effective.

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