To Rent Or To Own-The Difficult Decision

Nov 30


Patrick Daniels

Patrick Daniels

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There are some decisions to make depending on your financial situation in order to decide to buy a property.

It has always been better to own than to rent,To Rent Or To Own-The Difficult Decision	 Articles very simply because usually renting and owning end up costing you the same amount each month but when you own you are building up an equity that when you're renting you're not. For some men and women renting is the only way to go very simply because they do not have the credit by which to attain a mortgage for their own home.
Some people who don't have a decent credit score actually end up in a situation where they get a family member, friend, or spouse to put the piece of property in their name which essentially allows for them to gain equity indirectly and for the most part this can be beneficial to both parties if both keep up their end of the deal. Unfortunately, as with many issues that relate to finances men and women may become at odds about the particulars of the deal and in the end it might turn out that one person evicts the other or that the property winds up getting foreclosed on.
Home ownership has also become a bit over-rated in the current economy very simply because it requires a person to be able to maintain the payments on the property and doing so requires a steady income. Unfortunately, the current state of the world economy does not leave most individuals feeling secure with their financial position and perhaps this is why so many properties that have been foreclosed upon of late have remained unoccupied.
Of course, if you're in a financial position to purchase a property and either have a little bit of cash lying around or have a good enough credit score to ensure that you can obtain a home loan or mortgage then you'll likely find that there are many properties available on the market that are worth looking at as either rental properties or an investment. Most men and women who know they are financially stable are purchasing as many properties as the banks will allow them to in order to secure their holdings for the future. 
Individuals that aren't financially stable, who are concerned about the potential for losing their employment, or who have little padding available to them for just in case are truly better off renting then buying. When renting individuals have a little bit more leeway to get leniency from their landlord or to get out the deal entirely if they cannot afford to pay anymore. Being that most rental properties go through an individual and not a bank it is a safer way for people that  aren't financially sound to make a home for themselves and their family.