Top Stock Exchanges Worldwide

Dec 24


Loke Yuen Wong

Loke Yuen Wong

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NYSE Euronext in the U.S. is the top world wide stock exchange as of March 2010, according to the World Federation of Exchanges. It is the holding company formed by the combination of NYSE Group, Inc. and Euronext N.V.


NYSE Euronext is comprised of equities and derivatives exchanges across the US and Europe which trade cash equities,Top Stock Exchanges Worldwide Articles options, futures, fixed-income and exchange-traded products.

Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) is the second biggest stock exchange in the world. It was the first major exchange in the world and the first in Japan to receive the certifications for "ISO/IEC27001: 2005 / JIS Q 27001: 2006" on 16 April 2007.

NASDAQ OMX is one of the major stock exchanges in the USA and the third largest in the world. It offers multiple capital raising solutions to companies around the world. NASDAQ OMX data is accessed by millions of users globally. The company offers trading across different asset classes including debts, equities, derivatives, commodities, structured products and exchange-traded funds.

NASDAQ OMX is also the world's largest provider of technology for the exchange industry, providing technology to more than 70 exchanges spanning different parts of the world.

London Stock Exchange (LSE) is also one of the biggest stock exchanges in the world. It is located in the City of London, United Kingdom. The Exchange is the most international in the world, with about three thousand companies from more than 70 countries admitted to trading on its markets. More than 400 firms, including stockbrokers and investment banks, are members of the LSE.

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