Your Guide to a Successful Bid at an Online Property Auction

Feb 17


Aliva Kar

Aliva Kar

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There are some sly tricks you can use to be successful at an online property auction. One of the biggest benefits of buying homes in this way is that it gives you a chance to purchase homes you would have otherwise had little access to. While you can be profitable buying homes only from foreclosures in your own area, one man can only cover so much ground. With the Internet, the playing ground is level and the volume can be immense. If you want to start making some real money, this may be the way to go. Here are some tips you can use for success.



With the right research,Your Guide to a Successful Bid at an Online Property Auction Articles you can place bids on homes that aren't the subject of a feeding frenzy. In fact, avoid homes that seem to be attracting a lot of attention. A lot of really nice homes wind up being the subject of this kind of frenzy. Many of these bidders, however, are missing the point of buying homes in this way. It isn't to get your hands on a house for 10% less than you would buy it from a real estate agent. It's to get an amazing deal that you can turn around and sell for a huge profit. If you remember this, the online property auction can be yours to master.


Don't wait until the auction is open and running to rush and do your research on a home that looks right. You need to have this information ahead of time and do your due diligence on several houses. Don't ignore the ones that turn you off at first sight. Sometimes the best values come from homes that others will not care for. With a bit of maintenance, however, they could be the ones that give you the best return on your investment. Remember, you're participating in an online property auction during a depressed real estate market. You may have a hard time unloading a very expensive home, even if you got it for a song.

Know Your Market

Research is more than just making sure a house isn't about to fall apart from termite infestation. It's about knowing what similar homes have been selling for in recent months. It's about knowing how long it might take you to turn this house around and get your money back. This information can inform how much you should be willing to bid in the online property auction. Don't just go blindly into an auction with a budget and a dream. While real estate can be as much about luck as science, you can improve your luck by doing the math.