5 Ways to Make Your BBQ a Memorable Family Event

May 20


Noel Chua

Noel Chua

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Every barbecue has the potential to be a delightful family gathering. Here are five innovative ways to transform your routine evening barbecue into an unforgettable experience that will leave everyone smiling.


The History and Popularity of BBQs

Barbecues have been a staple of American culture since the Southern states began the tradition of cooking pigs publicly. Today,5 Ways to Make Your BBQ a Memorable Family Event Articles barbecuing is a beloved pastime across the United States, with 75% of U.S. adults owning a grill or smoker, according to the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) source. For many, it’s a casual meal activity, while for others, it’s an opportunity to host grand summer parties. However, you don’t have to choose between mundane meals and extravagant gatherings. Every barbecue can and should be a unique and exciting family event. Here are five ways to make your regular BBQ nights special:

1. Think Beyond Meat

Who says barbecues are all about meat? There’s so much you can do with bread and fruit over an open flame. To make it a fun activity with your kids, use cookie cutters to shape bread and fruit into fun designs. You can choose themes like “animals” or “numbers” or let each person create their own unique shapes. Then, let your kids decide on the toppings. Options like cheese, onions, and various spices for the bread, or cinnamon and honey for the fruit, can make for a delightful and interactive meal.

2. Try Foil-Wrapped Surprise Meals

Create different combinations of chicken, fish, or vegetables with sauces and seasonings in foil packets. These cook in under 20 minutes and result in no-mess, delicious meals. Kids will love the surprise element and can even swap packets. You can also involve your family in creating the combinations before grilling, and label the packets with ingredient names to inspire new meal ideas.

3. Add Variety to Your Menu

A little variety goes a long way. If you usually stick to burgers and hot dogs, why not try grilled pizza or fish fillets? Also, experiment with different condiments and seasonings. Tired of ketchup? Try salsa instead. There are countless easy recipes for grill rubs online that add extra flair to your meals and prevent the mess and drips associated with barbecue sauces. According to a survey by the HPBA, 63% of grill owners use their grill year-round, so there’s plenty of time to experiment source.

4. Slow Down and Enjoy

Barbecues don’t have to be rushed. In fact, grill enthusiasts will tell you that today’s fast grilling is an insult to the term, which traditionally means slow cooking over low heat. You can find many slow-cooker recipes online, and the wait is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your family and friends. Outdoor activities like setting up a canvas for painting or playing yard games like bowling with household items can make the time pass enjoyably.

5. Play with Your Food

While your mother may have told you not to play with your food, there’s always an exception! BBQ games can be fun and engaging. In the game “Glutton,” each player gets a certain amount of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, or another side dish. Various kitchen utensils are placed in a box, and players blindly pick a few. On the count of three, they start eating their dish with the utensils they picked. The first to finish their food wins a prize!


Finally, don’t stress! Too many people get lost in the details of hosting the perfect BBQ party and forget to enjoy the delicious food. So relax, soak up the sun, and get ready for a summer filled with unforgettable barbecues!

Interesting Stats About BBQs

  • Grill Ownership: 75% of U.S. adults own a grill or smoker source.
  • Year-Round Grilling: 63% of grill owners use their grill year-round source.
  • Popular Grilling Days: The most popular grilling days are the Fourth of July (76%), Memorial Day (62%), and Labor Day (62%) source.

By incorporating these tips and interesting facts, you can ensure that your next barbecue is not just another meal, but a memorable family event.