Carpet Cleaning Best Washing Solution

Mar 26


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Carpets serve myriad purposes in our homes, from floor insulation to hiding imperfect flooring underneath to elevating the aesthetic quotient of the room. Naturally, carpets undergo a lot of wear and tear over the time

Heavy foot traffic makes it prone to stains and other abuse. Moreover,Carpet Cleaning Best Washing Solution Articles pets and kids are often responsible for making your carpet dirty. Carpet cleaning solutions is what you need at that time. These solutions are especially formulated considering the fabric of the carpets. Let us find out which one is the best carpet cleaning solution available to you.Best Carpet Cleaning Solution for Pet StainsPet stains are probably the reason why you might consider cleaning your carpet in the first place. It is not unusual for pets to have an accident on your precious carpet. Pet stains are something you might want to get rid of off your carpet as soon as possible owing to the offensive odor. Vinegar is the best homemade carpet cleaner for pet stains. Simply mix one by 10 parts of vinegar and water in a bucket and try to get rid of the stain with a little elbow grease. Alternatively, you can also use this solution with rental carpet cleaners. You might find the vinegar odor a little offensive, but it vanishes as soon as the carpet dries. Commercial cleaners such as OxiClean or Simple Green also get rid of pet stains pretty easily. Best Carpet Cleaning Solution for StainsBesides pet stains, you also have to combat several other stains such as coffee, wine, food etc. Occasional spillage of food and drink is common if you have kids in your home. Best way to clean these stains is using vinegar or ammonia solution. Mix ammonia and water in the ratio 1:5 and try to clean the stain using this solution. Vinegar should be used as mentioned above. While using ammonia, make sure you use a strongly scented variety such as lemon, as ammonia odor may confuse your pets and invite them to your carpet. The smell vanishes once the carpet dries completely. A dish soap or detergent also effectively gets rid of stains. However, one argument against the use of soaps and detergents is that they attract dirt and make the stain worse. Besides, you need lots of water to remove the soap residue. Thus, you may have to soak your carpet in water. Best Carpet Cleaning Solution for Steam CleanersGenerally, you should use the carpet cleaner recommended for use with steam cleaner. However, often this cleaning solution is very expensive. A cheap alternative would be to use vinegar or simple hot water instead of these solutions. Interestingly, hot water cleans carpet better than any cleaning product. If you must use a cleaner, you can go for any organic cleaner such as Simple Green. Mild carpet shampoo is something you should use for regular cleaning. Harsh chemicals should only be used in case of heavy staining. In that case also, above mentioned carpet cleaning methods can be of great help. Whenever, you have spillage, try to clean it then and there itself. Some carpets come with an anti-staining coating. Hence, you will get some time to take precautionary steps before the liquid gets absorbed in the carpet. Dab the liquid as much as you can with paper towels. Do not wipe it as you might spread it and make it large. Attack the stain with any of the above mentioned methods of carpet stain removal. Ideally, you should clean your carpets twice or thrice a year. If cleaning yourself is not possible, you can hire professional carpet cleaners to do the job for you. Hope, this article on best carpet cleaning solution was resourceful.

More info of this topic in the link below:

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