Itch No More with Flea-Killing Home Remedies

Mar 6


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Do you have a problem with fleas in your home? While there may be a completely unrelated infestation, many flea problems stem from a beloved family member- your cat or dog. Fleas can be difficult to get rid of, especially in homes that are close to heavily wooded or forested areas.

However,Itch No More with Flea-Killing Home Remedies  Articles homeowners may find it preferable to treat their pet instead of their home. Try some of these home remedies to keep fleas at bay!
  • Vacuum the carpet thoroughly and often, especially in low traffic areas that may normally be missed. Use flea power on the carpet and in the vacuum cleaner bag to kill any fleas that are sucked into the vacuum. Be sure to throw the entire bag away outside, far from the house.
  • One of the most common ways fleas make their way into homes is by hitching a ride on your pets. Homeowners should be sure to bathe pets with mild soap and water. Homeowners should also comb their pets and, if fleas are discovered, dip the comb with the fleas into a glass of soapy water. This will decrease your home’s flea population and your pet will thank you as well.
  • Fleas are naturally repelled by citrus. Homeowners can create a natural flea repellant by boiling a cup of water, and then pouring the water over a sliced piece of lemon. Let this concoction sit overnight, and in the morning, you will have a safe flea remover. Rub this mixture into your dog or cat’s fur to kill the fleas!
  • One way to combat your pet’s fleas are to change their diet. Pet owners can add apple cider vinegar, brewer’s yeast, or garlic to their dog’s food. Cat owners can add the vinegar or yeast, but should make sure to avoid adding the garlic to cat food.
  • Fleas hate cedar. Homeowners can find cedar oil, cedar shampoo, and even cedar-filled sleeping mats at pet stores.
  • Create a flea trap using a wide, shallow pan half filled with soapy water. Next, place a lamp over the pan, so that the light shines into the water, heating up the mixture. Fleas will flock to the heat and, when attempting to jump to the light, will instead fall into the water. Once inside the pan, they will be unable to get out.
  • There are herbal flea repellants, as well. To combat fleas in the garden, homeowners should plant fleabane, also known as Erigeron or Daisy Fleabane, in their gardens. While these work to repel fleas, they are also quite attractive, flowering plants.

Most of these at-home flea repellants are relatively inexpensive and can produce surprisingly good results. Also, home remedies often do not contain the hazardous chemicals that certain pesticides do. Since fleas and pets often go hand in hand, natural remedies may be the key to safe pest control!

Don’t Let Fleas Take over Your Home

Fleas are well adapted to live in all kinds of environments. They are wingless insects, with powerful legs, that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Their bodies are especially adapted to survive host scratching, and they can even survive the force of being pinched between fingers!

Fleas can be a Serious Problem
  • A flea can jump seven inches vertically and thirteen inches horizontally
  • Fleas can transmit diseases , especially to dogs and cats, and have been known to transmit the bubonic plague to humans, as well
  • Flea bites itch, and several bites can manifest in a large, red rash

Keep fleas from becoming a problem in your home. Check out these home remedies today!

For more info of this topic, check the links below:

pest control, pest control auckland, flea control

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