5 Important Facts Adults Need to Know Before Getting Braces

Jun 22


Emily Clark

Emily Clark

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Adult orthodontia is big business. More 40-something year oldparents have finally gotten all their children out of braces andnow it’s their turn. Some middle-agers are just now becomingmetal mouths because they are at a point in their life when theycan finally afford it. Still others opt for the wires becauseafter starting over after a divorce they are finally ready to getthat gorgeous straight smile!


If you’re considering taking the plunge yourself,5 Important Facts Adults Need to Know Before Getting Braces Articles here are a fewbits of information you should know before making a decision.There are basically three types of braces moms and dads areopting for: standard metal, clear brackets and invisible. Thestandard ones are the most cost effective and you can even changethe color of your rubber bands like all the hip, cool kids aredoing. Clear brackets are a bit larger in size than the metalones. Depending on your bite you may not have enough room to getthe clear ones on your lower teeth, at least not initially. Thewires are still metal and you can see the braces on your teeth,they’re just not as noticeable. Drawbacks are they are slightlymore expensive than the metal brackets and when it comes time totake them off, it’s takes a bit more effort and is consequently alittle more uncomfortable. Lastly there are the invisible braceswhich go behind your teeth, not on the front like most. It takesa while longer to correct your smile and is the most expensivetype.

Speaking of expensive, you should on plan on spending about$4,000 for your braces. Clearly you will find some orthodontistswho will do it for less, and some for more. It really dependsalso on the length and severity of treatment. If you haveorthodontia insurance coverage, some plans cover up to 50% of thetotal costs. Most orthodontists will allow you to make monthlypayments. You’ll be required to put a down payment on your newbeautiful smile.

One thing you may not hear during your initial consultation, yetother adults who have gone before you will testify to is thatwhen you initially get your braces put on your teeth – it hurts! It hurts a lot and for along time! With children they tell themit may be a little uncomfortable for two or three days and totake Ibuprophin as needed for pain. That’s not the case withadults, although they may give you the same instructions. Thinkabout it. Children who get braces have their permanent teeth forgenerally three months or three years. Those big teeth haven’tbecome too accustomed to hanging out in their current location.

Adults, on the other hand, have had those permanent teeth affixedin their mouth for 20-35 years prior to getting braces. Theydon’t move as easily or as willingly. One mother shared that shewas glad she had left over heavy duty pain meds from herc-section five years prior. She lamented that she felt like anelephant was sitting on her head for 10-days straight. Further,she continued she’d rather go through another 52 hours of laborthan to get braces put on again.

This is not to frighten you. It does get much easier and youeven forget you have them on. When you get adjustments everyeight weeks or so, you’re normally a little tender for 24-36hours, and aspirin does help. The severe pain is just initiallywhen you first get them on. Ask for pain meds. Do not let themtell you to take a few Tylenol and you’ll be fine in three days. You’re in for a rude awakening if you believe that.

But in no time at all, average 18-24 months you will have aHollywood smile and it will have all been worth it! Open wide –who’s next?

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.