A Few Suggestions for Colic Treatment

Aug 14


Peter West

Peter West

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It can be difficult to find the right colic treatment for your baby, even with the assistance of your physician. This article will provide you with a few of the more popular treatments.

A colicky baby can mean months of stress and lack of sleep in your household and can arouse a whole host of negative feelings in both you and your baby. With the right colic treatment however,A Few Suggestions for Colic Treatment Articles you can brings things back to normal in your household once again. Before giving any of the different suggestions in this article a try, first be sure to pay a visit to your family pediatrician to see if he or she has any solutions for you and even more importantly, to make sure that there is nothing else the matter with your baby that could be causing these symptoms. A very important treatment for colic that is too often overlooked is to simply form a closer bond with your baby. Some doctors believe that this condition has a lot to do with the drastic difference in environment the baby experiences in the outside world opposed to the comfort of the mother’s womb. You can help to alleviate some of this tension and stress that your baby experiences due to this change by spending more time with him and trying to keep the household environment as relaxed and peaceful as possible. Next, when looking for an effective colic treatment for your baby, you may be interested in giving one of the many homeopathic remedies developed for this condition a try. These treatments are usually made from all natural ingredients and as such are not likely to cause a negative or allergic reaction in your baby. Of all these homeopathic remedies, probably the most widely used is known as gripe water. It can be purchased in a variety of places from the Internet to even some doctor’s offices. It has been show to be very effective and roughly 90 percent of all babies who take it will see positive results. When finding a homeopathic treatment for colic however, be sure you pay attention to the ingredients as you will not want to give your baby something that could do more harm than good. A few natural herbs and supplements that have shown a lot of promise when treating a colicky baby include: peppermint, fennel, caraway, lemon balm, chamomile, ginger, blackthorn, and aloe. It is safe to give your baby small amounts of teas with these ingredients, but be sure that they are in a diluted form and do not administer more than 4 ounces of this tea a day. If you are breastfeeding, you can actually drink these teas yourself and your baby will reap the results. As you can see, it is difficult to find an effective colic treatment, but still very possible if you keep trying. If nothing you try seems to do any good, it is very important that you visit your physician as there could be something else causing your baby to cry.