AMA Study Promotes a Dangerous New Supplement Bill

Oct 26


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

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A new study published in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine claims that taking supplements poses an increased risk in mortality.

A new study just published in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine claims that taking supplements,AMA Study Promotes a Dangerous New Supplement Bill Articles including multivitamins, poses an increased risk in mortality, particularly for women. The authors draw the sweeping conclusion that the widespread use of dietary supplements is unjustified and “causes more harm than good.” This is clearly a political attack, spearheaded by Big Pharma in their usual attempt to discredit the real science behind dietary supplements. While research is continuing on the optimal dosages of various nutrients, multiple epidemiological as well as clinical studies clearly demonstrate the long term benefits and protective effects of dietary supplements, including multivitamins. Appendix A* below lists selected peer-reviewed studies which link multivitamin use to the prevention, treatment or management of specific health conditions.  The reality behind this AMA study is that it is being spun by Big Pharma to promote the dangerous new supplement bill, called the FDA Draft New Dietary Ingredients (NDI) Guidance, which is currently pushing its way through Congress. This bill seeks to remove many common dietary supplements from the market under the premise of protecting public health and safety, and label remaining supplements as “drugs,” available through prescription only. However, the safety issues presented in AMA this study are statistically insignificant, and certainly do not require that Big Pharma and the FDA, (responsible for the distribution of hundreds of real life-threatening synthetic drugs) be given complete control over America’s access to dietary supplements. As an expert on dietary supplement safety and effectiveness, I urge America and Congress to take action and stop the FDA and Big Pharma’s power grab to monopolize America’s access to safe, effective and cost-efficient health solutions. Please visit to send a letter to Congress telling them to protect America’s access to important, health promoting and cost effective dietary supplements. Enough is enough! * Appendix A:Links to Published Studies Demonstrating the Role of Multivitamins/Minerals in the Prevention, Management and Treatment of Various Health ConditionsCancers:          Disease: