Aspects Of Health

Feb 16


Paul Abbey

Paul Abbey

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Cerebal palsy will affect the muscle tone, movement and motor skills.


I’ve given up reading articles on health as a dead loss and I know because I read everything I could find. Most people who know me would probably have said I was a health freak. I used to be fat,Aspects Of Health Articles lazy, and out of shape, and it made me absolutely miserable, but since I finally got my body back into shape, I have been doing everything that I can to keep myself as healthy as possible.

Reading articles on health helps me to keep up with the latest news in exercise, diet, supplements, and other aspects of longevity. 
That’s all changed now though because when I read an article on health now I just get angry because they keep changing their minds about what is good or bad for you. Take soy for example, one group of scientists tell you it’s good for you then another group say don’t touch it because it promotes the development of female hormones in men amongst other side effects. I swear, all I want is to find the perfect diet, the perfect exercise routine, and the perfect lifestyle to keep myself as healthy as I can for as long as I possibly can.

You see it becomes very confusing when each and every article on health you read has a different answer to the same problem. Who can forget the uproar when the American public was told that three of their favorites, chocolate, coffee and alcohol were all bad for you. It now turns out that red wine is good for you as well as dark beer, dark chocolate and coffee, all of which are quite good for you in moderation. Well, you know that next they will be saying that if you want a low cholesterol diet you had better consume quantities of your favorite ice cream and cheesecake.

All that has come from this as far as I am concerned is a general disbelief of anything these so called health gurus say and I’ll look after myself than you very much. I am not going to stop reading articles on health because I still enjoy them but I do not intent to let them dictate how I should live my life.
After saying all of this, I know I’ll continue to read articles on health but I will look at them with different eyes, besides they usually have some very good exercise workouts. Surely I am no different from anyone else in wanting an active life, but I just do not want the constant infringement on my personal freedom that I’ve had over many years from these so called experts.

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