Breast Augmentation: How to Choose the Right Size for Your New Look

Oct 26


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Deciding the right size for your breasts is an important step to preparing for breast augmentation surgery. Having a few strategies and thinking through a couple of ideas will help you prepare adequately.

Breast Augmentation is a very popular cosmetic surgery procedure. Women of all ages,Breast Augmentation:  How to Choose the Right Size for Your New Look Articles ethnicities and socioeconomic levels are seeking out this type of procedure in hopes to improve their overall appearance and confidence level. Aside from choosing a surgeon and deciding to go ahead with the surgery, choosing the size of your new breasts is one of the most important decisions that must be made. Guessing is one way to go about deciding on the size, but there are more practical ways to figure out how big you want to be.

Most experts recommend that women go more than two sizes larger than they are naturally. This stems from a few key arguments. First, larger breasts are more cumbersome and may affect balance, strain your shoulders or back, and be uncomfortable overall. Next, larger breasts affect your profile and affect the types of clothes you can wear. Also, a large increase in breast size is more likely to be noticed by coworkers and family members that you would rather remain oblivious to.

A key way to decide how large you would like your breasts to be after breast augmentation is to try them on for size. It sounds a little silly, but most surgeons have inserts that you can borrow and wear for a few days. These inserts can be placed into an appropriately sized bra, and you can wear them around just as if they were your implants. This gives you the perfect opportunity to try on clothes, gauge reactions and decide if that size is appropriate for your personality and lifestyle. Another nice benefit to wearing the inserts is that you can get a true idea for how your new breasts will feel. Obviously, it will not be the exact same as having the surgery, but it will help you figure out what you would like to do. If your surgeon does not have these inserts, you can try this alternative: buy a bra in the size you think you would like to be. Fill a small plastic bag or sock with rice or birdseed and place this homemade "insert" into the bra. You may have to adjust it a little, but it will give you the same idea as the physician-provided ones.

Keep in mind that most people are most comfortable if their size after breast augmentation looks as natural as possible. Therefore, overly large breasts on a small frame are going to look rather silly, despite the best efforts of an accomplished surgeon.

Taking a little time before your breast augmentation surgery can definitely save you a lot of frustration and disappointment later. Do not be afraid to ask lots of questions from your doctor before taking this big step and altering your appearance in such a fashion.
