Breast Augmentation: Its Potential Risks And Side Effects

Jan 22


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Many women do not consider the risks and side effects of breast augmentation to be particularly serious or life threatening. Since it is such a common and popular procedure, most people automatically assume it is perfectly safe. While it is true that it is generally safe, there are risks and side effects that can and do happen.

Asymmetry: Breast augmentation surgery can be somewhat of an art. Implant material,Breast Augmentation: Its Potential Risks And Side Effects Articles casing, placement, and incision location are all important factors to consider. Perhaps one of the toughest problems a plastic surgeon has to deal with is the fact that many women have asymmetrical breasts to begin with. In order to end up with breasts that are of equal size and shape, the surgeon may have to make adjustments to one of the breast implants. Ideally, the nipples should be at the same height and facing in the same direction. The bottom and side creases of the breast should also be even and you should be able to wear a skimpy bikini or lingerie without appearing lopsided.

Bleeding: Excessive bleeding within the chest cavity can cause a buildup of blood, which may form a hematoma. It is important to discuss any health problems you have or medications you are on with your doctor before the surgery. Some health problems predispose patients to excessive bleeding or minimize clot formation, which normally stops the bleeding. There are also a number of medications that cause bleeding or prevent the body from stopping blood from flowing out of an incision. These items may be contraindications for the surgery or your surgeon may be able to find ways to work around them and do the surgery anyway. Either way, he or she should be made aware of these issues so that they can address them before they become serious problems.

Cancer: The risk of breast cancer due to breast augmentation surgery has been dramatically reduced in the last few years. The material and casing used for implants has been improved so that mild leakage or traumatic rupture is no longer as dangerous as it once was. Patients should still be aware that implant placement and material may interfere with mammogram detection of early breast cancer and should be able to perform their own breast exam on a regular basis.

Delayed infection: Perhaps the most dangerous risk of invasive surgery with open incisions is the development of a delayed infection. Be sure to report any increase in redness, inflammation or pain around your incision sites. These may be indicative of infection and should be promptly treated with a course of antibiotics before it spreads systemically.

The best way to reduce the risk of these serious side effects is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon that has extensive experience and training in breast augmentation surgery. Experience reduces the likelihood that adverse events will occur and increases the likelihood that your surgeon will be able to deal with them should they arise.