Breast Augmentation - Keeping a Secret

Sep 16


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Not very many of us that have breast augmentation surgery want to advertise it. Don’t worry though, there are ways to keep the secret.

When you choose to finally get implants,Breast Augmentation - Keeping a Secret Articles there is that immediate sense that everyone is going to know. You start to worry about how you will be perceived. You wonder if your colleagues and neighbors will think you frivolous or vain. You worry about how you will tell your boss that you need vacation days because of cosmetic surgery. The worrying can get so bad for some women that we choose not to get the surgery all together.

However, there are ways to keep the surgery a secret. You don’t have to tell anyone and, frankly, what your friends don’t know won’t hurt them. Most women eventually choose to get the procedure done so they can feel better about themselves. If the surgery is for personal reasons, then the only person who needs to approve of the situation is you. Still, keeping the whole thing on the down low can help with your personal confidence and stress levels.

It seems silly, but often one of the first things people will ask you after you have recovered from breast augmentation surgery are if you have changed your hair or lost weight. When they are asking this it is because they can perceive some change in you but aren’t exactly sure what. If you want to purposefully distract them from noticing your procedure, go ahead and get a drastic hair color or cut change. If you have always wanted to go blonde, now might be a good time. Everyone will most certainly notice this change and overlook your bust change.

If trickery isn’t your style, you could conveniently schedule the surgery for wintertime. This works especially well if you live in a cold climate. Generally we all wear bulkier clothes in the winter. Big sweaters and jackets can be your friend as you keep your breasts a secret. Once spring is here, people will only think they never noticed your figure because you’ve been hiding it behind warm winter clothes. Of course you will need to schedule the time off for the surgery.

Bringing us to the other part of keeping the process a secret, which has to do with scheduling. You need to choose a time of year where you can easily take some time off without anyone noticing. For example, a teacher could schedule their breast augmentation during a winter or spring break. Five days to a week is plenty of time for recovery. After a week, some of the painful swelling has decreased and you can function fairly normally. If you don’t have a week to spare, you could tack a few extra days to a holiday weekend if your company observes bank or government holidays.

Think creatively as you approach hiding your breast augmentation. Whatever you do, don’t let fear of people finding out keep you from having the surgery you have always dreamed of. There are plenty of things you can do to keep your breasts a secret for yourself.