Breast Augmentation: Types of Implants to Choose From

Apr 10


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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When choosing a breast augmentation implant, there are pros and cons to each option. In order to make the best decision for you and your body, take some time to educate yourself on the differences.

If you are already committed to a breast augmentation to increase or reshape you're body,Breast Augmentation: Types of Implants to Choose From Articles there are a lot of different decisions that need to be made. After choosing a surgeon and a specific size, you still need to choose the materials. Every woman needs to consider each of the options and choose something that will give her the best look and feel for her body.


Saline solution is a mix of sodium chloride (salt) and water. The mixture is sterile and many people believe this to be a safe alternative for a breast augmentation, compared to silicone. Using a small incision, the actual implant is put into the body. Then, a surgeon fills each one until the desired shape and size is achieved. It is easier to create a symmetrical look on both sides of the body. A smaller incision means easier care for the wounds and minor scarring as a result of this breast augmentation.

On the downside, a saline implant is far from perfect. Cosmetic problems are common in women that start out with less tissue in their breasts. There is a chance of rippling or wrinkling. Unfortunately, this is not just an aesthetics issue. It is often noticeable to the touch as well, causing frustration and problems with self-confidence. Where the implant is placed, either in front of or behind the muscle, can make a difference.


Silicone implants have continued to improve over time since they were first introduced in 1961. These breast augmentation tools are pre-filled and tend to mimic body fat, giving them a more natural feel. The "gummy bear" implant is the latest generation of implants and many women are happy with the way they look as well as the way the implants feel. It is important to note that because of the size of the implant before it is added to the body, there is typically going to be a more noticeable incision with the possibility of a larger scar.

One of the main concerns about silicone implants is possibility of leaking or completely rupturing. If a saline implant leaks, the body naturally absorbs the contents. Silicone can move through the body or create scar tissue that could be painful and lead to shape distortion. As a guide, many women choose to have their breast augmentations checked every three years to ensure that there are no problems.

With any type of plastic surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor and find out which of these options will work best for you and your body. You can choose the materials used for the implants and the size and it is worth looking over all of the possibilities.
