Common Reasons to Call for AC Repair

May 22


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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The AC repair technicians are often called for some common reasons. Here are some things to think about.

Many homeowners have to call the AC repair technicians in to fix their system. This often happens on the hottest day of the year due to the unit becoming overtaxed or simply from bad luck. Even though service personnel are called out each and every day to multiple homes,Common Reasons to Call for AC Repair Articles the reasons for the systems not working are often for some common reasons. Here are some things to think about:

- Didn’t perform maintenance: Not having seasonal checkups done before summer arrives is one of the most common reasons for a breakdown. Just like one’s automobile, preventative maintenance for air conditioners is necessary in order to prevent a problem. Wise homeowners will call for checkups during the mild spring so that the appliance can be oiled and given a once over.

- Refrigerant has run out: Freon or some other type of refrigerant is necessary for the system to work. This is a chemical that cools down the air which blows into a home. If it has run out, there may be a leak which should be repaired.

- Wiring or circuit breaker: If the electrical power isn’t reaching the unit, it isn’t going to work. There may be a faulty wire or a blown circuit. This needs to be fixed by a competent technician or electrician.

- Thermostat has gone kaput: The thermostat is the device which sets temperature, turns it on and off and regulates the cycles. If the thermostat has broken down and it was an old dinosaur anyway, a modern model might be better for efficiency. New models are programmable so that the temps are regulated for preference and economy.

- Frozen coils: AC units have coils as part of the working mechanisms of a unit. A frozen coil could mean a variety of things including blocked ductwork or other airflow restrictions.

- Dirty filters: Changing the filters should be done each and every month. It’s amazing the amount of breakdowns that could have been avoided if this simple task has been taken care of. It’s easy to forget monthly chores without a memory tickler. Marking it on the calendar, performing the task on every full moon or the last Saturday of the month will make remembering easier. Stocking the storage cabinet with several months’ worth of filters will be handier than having to run to the store every month. Just pop out the old one and pop in the new one.

- Archaic model: Appliances only last so long. If a homeowner is still trying to nurse along an old rattletrap, when it breaks down, it may be time to bite the bullet and invest in a newer model. New air conditioning units are much more efficient. While the outlay of cash for the installation may be unpleasant, the fact that the utility bill will be lower all summer due to increased efficiency will be a reason to smile.

When the AC repair technician has to be called in, the reasons are often predictable. Lack of maintenance, no refrigerant, faulty wires or blown circuits, broken thermostat, frozen coils, dirty filters or an archaic system are common reasons to have a breakdown.