Common signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer

Sep 21




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Breast cancer, initially, may not show any symptoms. In fact, the most common symptom of breast cancer i.e. a lump is usually too small for a person t...


Breast cancer,Common signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 	 Articles initially, may not show any symptoms. In fact, the most common symptom of breast cancer i.e. a lump is usually too small for a person to feel or cause any unusual changes initially. Breast cancer is often noticed on a screening mammogram, which intimidates further testing.

Only in some cases does the lump as a first sign of breast cancer be big enough for you or your doctor to feel. Since it is important to diagnose breast cancer early on for better prognosis, take a look at these symptoms that are a sign of breast cancer.

  • Swelling of all or part of a breast
  • Dimpling or skin irritation
  • Pain in the nipples
  • Nipples turning inwards
  • Breast pain
  • Redness, thickening of the nipples or scaliness of the breast skin
  • Nipple discharge that is not breast milk
  • Lump in the underarm area

Here are some breast cancer symptoms in detail.

Itchy Breast

If you have an itchy breast or nipples, it is perhaps time to consult a doctor. Do not ignore especially if the itch is persistent.

Dimpled Breast Skin

The breast and surrounding skin may take a dimpled appearance as if the skin of an orange peel. A lot of women feel embarrassed to show the breasts to a doctor when such a thing occurs when actually it shouldn't be left to be devoid of a doctor's attention.

No Change in Breasts during Menstrual Cycle

It is normal for a woman's breast to swell just before her menstrual cycle, but when there is no change in the size of the breast, it requires a doctor's attention. Moreover, a sudden increase in the breast size needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

Red or Blotchy Breasts

A red or blotchy breast with even a rash-like appearance must be evaluated by a doctor. A rash on the breast or a rash-like appearance on the breast is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer.

Breast self-exam must be a part of your monthly health care routine. You must also visit a doctor if you observe any unusual change in the breast, such as a sudden increase in the size. If you are aged 40 years or at a high risk of developing the disease, you must have an annual mammogram and physical exam done by a professional doctor.

Hence, screening mammograms are recommended for women more than 40 years of age every 1 to 2 years, as age is the strongest risk factor for breast cancer. The older a woman is, the higher is the risk of developing the disease.
