Could Your Child Be Suffering From ADHD?

Mar 10


Rochelle Algarra

Rochelle Algarra

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Some child behaviors may seem extraordinary to a parent who is unfamiliar with psychological disorders that can manifest early in childhood. If such actions become extremely difficult to manage and prolongs to late childhood or adolescence, it could already be a sign of something serious, such as ADHD.


The mind is a complex thing and so can be a child's behavior. Some child behaviors may seem extraordinary to a parent who is unfamiliar with psychological disorders that can manifest early in childhood. Hyperactivity,Could Your Child Be Suffering From ADHD? Articles playfulness, short attention spans, and tantrums are quite common behaviors among very young children. However, if such actions become extremely difficult to manage and prolongs to late childhood or adolescence, it could already be a sign of something serious, such as ADHD. 

Fortunately for parents, new systems and programs are now in place, including ADHD Schools, that help families deal with their child's behavioral problems. But with the recent discoveries and studies about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), would it be safe for you, the parents, to assume that this is what your teenager could be suffering from based on sheer observation? 

Many ADD and ADHD symptoms closely resemble that of mood and bipolar disorders except that treatments vary significantly and should be defined. Experts advice parents to approach a specialist if they suspect ADHD as a culprit of their child's unusual behavior because only they can arrive at a clinical diagnosis. What parents can do to help is to note their child's exhibited behavior in order to be able to discuss this in detail with a professional, and find out whether their child should be enrolled in an ADHD School or not. 

What are the symptoms of ADD and ADHD? 

Observance of symptoms should be based on the way your teenager acts or interacts to a stimulus, such as:

  • demonstrate lack of self control;
  • high levels of energy;
  • difficulty falling asleep and/or sleeping straight;
  • could not sit still; or
  • could not pay attention for more than five minutes, even if the subject interests your child. 

Parents must also observe how long it takes their child to become fully alert upon waking up, if he or she has mood swings, and easily goes from being 'up' to being 'down.' 

Does your child seems careless and breaks things in anger or due to inattention, or does he do it unintentionally? How long does he demonstrate anger or throw tantrums? 

In ADHD, a child causes damage (such as breaking things) because of lack of attentiveness. On the other hand, with bipolar disorder, it's due to anger. An ADHD Child calms down in about 30 minutes after having a fit. A bipolar child shows rage that can last for hours and display immense amounts of energy. 

There are various reasons for these manifestations. In an ADHD child, anger is usually the result of overstimulation, such as a change in routine or in reaction to sibling rivalry. Children suffering from bipolar disorders do not like limitations and will deliberately clash with an adult or figure of authority. 

Both disorders can be present in one child or it may be something else such as an anxiety attack or post-traumatic stress. Consulting with a professional is vital to discovering the root cause of the problem and the proper treatment for the disorder your child may be suffering from. If your child has ADD/ADHD, ADHD Schools may well be the solution for the peace of mind you seek for both you and your loved one.


For more information, you can check out our free information about ADD-ADHD in teens or get help now and avail of free consultation by filling-out the online form at