Different Ways to Improve Memory Power

May 31


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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In today’s highly competitive world we need to always put our best foot forward when it comes to anything we do. There is no scope for mistakes and short comings.


Competition is cut throat and even a small error can have damaging consequences. In such a day and age we have to do everything to make sure we are always at our brightest and sharpest best. However unhealthy lifestyles and poor eating habits reduce our ability to perform to the best of our capabilities. Here are some quick methods and remedies to improve memory power,Different Ways to Improve Memory Power Articles reduce lethargy and improve over all functioning of the body.

The human brain has the ability to adapt and change. With the right stimulation we can improve memory power and increase brain activity. Right nutrition is essential for the proper working of our body and brains. Certain foods are known to improve a person’s ability to retain information, improve vision, increase efficiency and vitality.  We should include food like nuts, dry fruits, leafy green vegetables and fish in our daily diet to ensure sharpness of the mind. There is a variety of activities we can indulge in to improve the retention power of our brain. Listening to music is known to have a positive effect on brain functioning. Playing games like sudoko and chess helps keep the mind active and keep disease like Alzheimer’s at bay. Good sleep and regular exercise gives our brain it’s much needed rest and increase its oxygen absorbing powers. Indulging in fun and challenging tasks like group activities, cooking and physical labor increases brain functions. Since we spent most of our time on the computer or television our eyes need adequate rest and care too. Poor vision is fast becoming a common notion. They are a number of things you can do to improve vision. Omega 3 fatty acids help in protection of the retina present in the eye. It improves our visibility and the health of our eyes. Omega 3 fatty acids can be obtained through the consumption of oily fish like tuna, flax and hemp seeds. Vitamin A is also known to improve eyesight and can be found in carrots, broccoli and cheddar cheese.

Sometimes are fast paced hectic lives doesn’t permit us to indulge in these activities and we may not always have the time to prepare fresh and nutritious meals. Most of the times we are constantly on the go and don’t have the liberty to take long breaks and indulge in many physical activities. If in such a situation, we must take the help of multivitamin tablets and Nutrition supplements to ensure our busy lives don’t get us down. These tablets and supplement are filled with essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and enhance mind and body functioning. One such tablet that helps ease pain, improve bone density, repair and protect hair skin and nails is cod liver oil capsules. They are widely consumed and known to have an array of health benefits. It can easily be found in any drug store and pharmacy and is recommended by doctors and nutrition experts all over the world.

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