Eating For Living - Health On A Plate

Mar 18


Vladimir Skirga

Vladimir Skirga

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This article is not only for those who want to lose weight. This text is for everyone who wants to be healthy and young as long as possible. And the article is not for the lazy and weak-willed ones.


This article is not only for those who want to lose weight. This text is for everyone who wants to be healthy and young as long as possible. And the article is not for the lazy and weak-willed ones. Believe me,Eating For Living - Health On A Plate Articles there is nothing worthy in this life what is achieved without any effort. One cannot lose weight when scoffing every single piece of food around. There is no miraculous cure which will make you skinnier and healthier at once. Our health is a hard work. An everyday, every-minute labor. An overcoming of weaknesses and bad habits, a will-training.

So it is not a diet. This is a way of life.

The principles of healthy eating style necessary for every normal human organism are the same for almost all people. Regardless of your sex and age, of your blood group, of the place you live at, of you believe in, of what you love, of how much and how you move. The main thing is to be healthy. Well, or basically healthy. Diets for certain groups of people suffering from severe chronic diseases, for pregnant and nursing mothers are developed by medicine in accordance with their altered physiology, and are not considered here.

The first principle of a healthy diet: you can and should eat often. It is necessary to give your body a confidence that it will not be hungry and will get its portion of energy in 4-5 hours for sure. Otherwise, it would save all you ate as a reserve. Guess where? Getting up in the morning, first of all you need to have breakfast not later than 2 hours after awakening. A snack not less than 2 hours before a bedtime is also necessary. (If you do not eat after six o'clock, get used to go to bed at eight. Otherwise, the body would feel that you are starving and it's time to stock matters up.)

The second principle: no vegetarianism. A man is a predator, he needs for normal functioning 8 amino acids, which are not present in vegetable food, as well as solid animal fats, rich in saturated fatty acids. And a cholesterol. Yes, we need the cholesterol. The point is in moderation. Even the most useful products can cause harm when are eaten excessively. Besides of a hypovitaminosis there also a hypervitaminosis. Any food stuff can bring you health, but if you overeat, it can take your health away. If you cannot eat living beings due to your beliefs, do not ignore milk and dairy products.

The third principle: the great evil of our diet are a coffee, an alcohol, fizzy drinks (we are not talking about natural mineral waters), products of a complex preservation cycle, stuffed with additives for a long-term storage. All these benefits of civilization constipate our body and it will not forgive us.

The fourth principle: water is life. A man must consume an adequate amount of water daily. It cleans our body from all that dirt we stocked by an uncontrolled consumption. We all need a regular internal shower, so you should not spare water for it. And remember: water - it is not juice, not a fruit compote, not milk, not coffee and soup. This is just water. Mineral one is acceptable. Maximally a tea without sugar. Think yourself whether you will wash with a compote?

The fifth principle: the food should be voluminous. It is supposed to fill the stomach up and create a feeling of satiety. You "upset" the body when eat less than 2 pounds of food per day. But at the same high-caloric dishes are to be at minimum of given volume. The garnish was invented for a reason. Look up the calorie content of 100 grams of boiled potato or pasta.

And finally, the sixth, the most important principle - the calories. Every man needs no more than 3000 Cal, and it is for a very active lifestyle. An average dweller of a megalopolis, burdened with all the benefits of a lazy civilization should satisfy with 2000. Try to estimate how many calories you ate up at dinner? You count money spent during a day, why not to calculate how many calories you eat per day.

Here are the main principles which a man who wants to enjoy this world a little longer should follow. And finally, some practical recommendations for you to balance the diet.

Eat porridge of any cereal, soups or broths - a low calorie voluminous dishes, very helpful for digestion; vegetables (prefer them to fruit) or fruits grown in your region, dairy products, and 100-150 grams of meat or fish. Avoid large amounts of fat (oil, margarine, lard) in cooking, refuse pouring food with mayonnaise; believe me it is tasty enough, train your taste buds.

It is not necessary to give up alcohol, but choose a good wine. Red ones normalize your blood circulation, white ones improve the work of kidneys. Just remember that after 2 glasses a medicine turns into a poison.

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