First Signs Of Yeast Infection - What To Look For and What To Do About It

Aug 5


Dean Forster

Dean Forster

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Common first signs of yeast infection, what you should do to get this condition treated and ways to prevent a yeast infection from occurring again


Many women,First Signs Of Yeast Infection - What To Look For and What To Do About It  Articles regardless of their age, may experience a painful, but treatable yeast infection once in their lifetime. A few of the signs of yeast infection may include, but are not limited to, burning when urinating, itching, or pain during intimate relations. Although it may be painful, a yeast infection can easily be treated by your doctor or at home, depending on your situation.

Yeast in a women's body is similar to what you use when making bread. The yeast has to have something that activates it in order for it to grow so that the bread can rise. It works the same way in your body. Sometimes, the yeast grows by taking an antibiotic for another problem. It can also grow when you are pregnant, due to high levels of progesterone.

If this is not the first time you have had signs of yeast infection, you can use any of the over the counter medications that are available or you may want to use natural solutions that treat the root cause and not just the symptoms, but if you have had four or more yeast infections in the past year, you should contact your doctor, as these signs could be related to a more serious illness. Use of over the counter medications should be used with precaution, especially suppositories or topical creams. These items contain oils that breakdown the latex in diaphragms and condoms, so if you are trying to avoid getting pregnant, you might want to use the oral medications to be on the safe side.

To prevent a yeast infection, you can do several things. Wear loose fitting pants and wear cotton underwear so that your body can breathe. You should also change out of a wet bathing suit as soon as you are done swimming and avoid douches and items that contain perfumes, such as toilet paper and tampons. Opt for the non-scented items. The perfume is an irritant and can give you the Signs of Yeast Infection. These are all easy ways that can help you avoid problems in the future, but as noted above, these may not always work. The most important factor is to use common sense, be aware of the signs in your body and you will not have anything to worry about.
