Hair Transplant Surgery

Aug 9


William Kad

William Kad

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Read Below about Hair Transplant surgery for woman

Men or women suffering from hair loss need not feel threatened or embarrassed any long,Hair Transplant Surgery  Articles because hair transplant surgery can help grow hair and regain back your old charm and elegance. Hair loss has a number of causes associated with it such as hormonal imbalances, hereditary factors, chronic illness, effects of medicine, etc. among both men and women. Hair transplant surgery performed by professional hair transplant doctors can help you get back your lost hair and lost self confidence and self esteem.


Procedure Followed By the Hair Transplant Doctors


In hair transplant surgery attempt is made to restore hair through the process of Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE and Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT. These hair transplant surgery procedures are painless compared to the other surgical procedures. It is considered to be the best option for gaining back permanent, healthy hair.


Owing to the improved medical technology and steep competition hair transplant cost has come down these days. Hair transplant doctors skilled in their job help their clients combat the problem of hair loss arising from various factors. The doctorstake every measureto ensure that there is no visible scar on the scalp. The only visible scar is the donor scar which stays hidden as the hair continues to grow.


Choose The Right Hair Transplant Doctors


Diagnosis of the scalp and hair must be left to the specialists of hair transplant surgery. Androgentic alopecia is sited to be one of the main causes behind baldness among men as well as women. With hair transplant surgery, bald patches can be covered completely. The process is time consuming but painless.


Doctors initially performed hair transplant surgery to add volume to the eyebrows as well. The same procedure is applied today for adding volume to the hair on head. Finding good hair loss doctors is a must when you think of undergoing such complicated surgical procedures. You should consult some talented, experienced and skilled specialists in order to get positive and permanent results.


Going through the testimonials and the case studies left by the actual clients can help you to verify the right kinds of doctors for undergoing hair transplant surgery.


Female Hair Transplant To Cover Bald Patches


Though baldness among men is very common, the instances of thinning of hair leading to baldness among women are also not unusual. Following are stated to be the primary causes of baldness among women.


·         Pregnancy

·         Menopause

·         Application of too much of harsh chemicals

·         Excessive smoking

·         Drinking

·         Intake of contraceptive pills

·         Malnutrition or crash diets

·         Anxiety

·         Stress and

·         Accident/trauma


Women who are concerned about loss of hair follicles must get in touch with hair transplant doctors to get their cases evaluated. The doctors would examine her case and would suggest for hair transplant surgery if needed. Hair transplant cost tends to vary on the basis of the amount of hair lost and the condition of the scalp.