How to Achieve Balanced Fitness to Delay Death

May 4


Frank Crimson

Frank Crimson

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So few people train properly in our time: avoid being caught out by erroneous practices and discover what you really should be doing. Unless you want to die well before your time, you ABSOLUTELY MUST…

Balanced fitness has eluded most of humanity for time immemorial. Many of us spend our hard earned money on personal training,How to Achieve Balanced Fitness to Delay Death Articles physiotherapy and the like, but we usually finish up doing our bodies no significant benefit for our efforts. How can this be? Well, in the fifties it began to be claimed that low to moderate intensity exertion for long amounts of time was the best practice to develop cardiovascular health. It's hard to believe, but this decision was reached without any actual evidence, but it became proclaimed as scientific truth around the world. In actuality there’s nothing scientific about it whatsoever.

Gladly, for us today, true science has intervened; a recent Harvard study shows the detrimental effects that ‘cardio’ training has on our health, and it points the way towards the actual path to maximum, balanced fitness. Did you think endurance athletes were healthy? Guess again! Did you know the original marathon runner, after finishing his famous run from the village of Marathon to Athens, died almost straight away from the harm he'd inflicted on himself?

I know most of this sounds weird when you first hear it, but I will explain what’s going on. Whenever we put our bodies under physical stress, they make adaptive responses accordingly. The reason a bodybuilder's muscles get bigger is that he exerts them to the point where it is not physically possible for them to do another repetition. His body sees this as a breakdown that must be fixed so it does not happen in the future, so his muscles get a little larger following each training session so that they are able to perform for longer than they could before. That’s an adaptive response. The adaptive responses that occur inside our bodies after the cardio exertion we’re so often instructed to do involve our lungs becoming smaller, and our hearts becoming frailer than they were before. It is important to realise that cardio training has been around for many years, and time can grant a great deal of perceived legitimacy to a concept, and that’s the actual reason why EVERYBODY, even personal trainers and sports coaches, tell people to do cardiovascular endurance training, it has nothing to do with the actual scientific evidence.

An effective training program enables you to develop balanced fitness by raising your cardiovascular capacity, therefore raising your energy levels, slowing down the oxidative process, accelerating fat metabolisation, and reducing your chance of demise by any cause. It must also help you develop strength without the risks of standard resistance training, such as herniated discs, back pain, and neck pain. Not like so much of the training advice that we are bombarded with every month, the regime we recommend is supported by solid scientific evidence, and that's why we're certain it's the highest quality exercise program in the world, and will remain so for some time.
