How To Clean Your Apartment Homes the

Oct 20


Andrew Reichek

Andrew Reichek

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Use these "Green" apartment methods when you plan on cleaning your apartment home. These are easy ways that almost anybody can do.

If you plan on cleaning your apartment home yourself,How To Clean Your Apartment Homes the  Articles there are many alternatives that will impose much less harm on the environment. And if you are up to it, you can create and use your own personal household cleaning products. Many cleaning products possess materials that can contaminate the atmosphere and possibly leave behind other contaminants. 

If you have kids, these chemicals can possibly be dangerous to them as well, especially if they have allergic reactions to different ingredients.  So in essence protecting our environment and our children are going to be extremely important.

If you have the time, you can very easily produce your own personal household cleaning products. It is not very difficult and almost anyone can do this.  You will also save money by not having to purchase products that do include the hazardous chemicals we are trying to avoid. In addition, if you own or manage an apartment community, you will also be able to pass the knowledge onto other tenants and renters.

Here are the ingredients and measurements for your own personal household cleaning items.   If you plan on cleaning wood furniture, combine 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 1/2 cub of olive oil.  This should come in handy for your wood cleaning needs.

A more general cleaning substance for you home uses 2 teaspoons borax, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 cub vinegar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of dish-washing liquid, and two cups of warm water in a bucket.

A steam mop will be one of the first items that you should purchase. Not only do these mops clean your flooring very efficiently, they can be used on most types of hardwood flooring. In addition, these mops can be used with filtered water which helps preserve the freshwater we use everyday. Although the steam mop may be more expensive in regards to upfront fees, you will most likely save money in the long term. 

Most people consume large quantities of paper towels on a weekly basis for normal day to day duties. Blue surgical towels are reusable and  are a great alternative to the white paper towels most people use.  These types of towels are free from lint and are extremely spongy and absorb liquids very efficiently.  They also clean glass and chrome very well too. 

Make sure you also use white cleaning sponges in your day to day cleaning duties.  These are free from most contaminants and are extremely efficient when applied to most surfaces inside your home.  And this is really a great way to clean walls, sinks, and tiles combined with your homemade products. 

Use the following ingredients and techniques to play your own role in providing a clean and green environment in your home or apartment.