How to have Healthy Skin that Glows Using Natural Beauty Treatments and Home Remedies

Sep 15


D.S. Braun

D.S. Braun

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Oily skin is the most sensitive and oh-so-easily aggravated among the skin types. One wrong move can spell disaster - the mortal enemy of social life - acne. The good news is, we can still have a shine-free face,


Oily skin is the most sensitive and oh-so-easily aggravated among the skin types. One wrong move spells disaster -  the mortal enemy of social life - acne. The good thing is,How to have Healthy Skin that Glows Using Natural Beauty Treatments and Home Remedies Articles we can still have a chance to have a shine-free face, but only if we strictly take note of the Do’s and Don’ts of having oily skin.

While it may be true that oily skin lessens the possibility of acquiring lines and signs of aging early, it unfortunately compensates for this boon by being more prone to acne, pimples and all types of blemishes. This actually makes the lessened-acquiring-of-lines look like Shrek beside Prince Charming.

The increased blemishes can be blamed on over-activity of our sebaceous glands which produces more oil in our face than necessary. Too much oil results to clogging of pores with dirt which, combined with dead skin cells, are trapped inside and tend to result in red and swelling red bumps on our skin.

Having oily skin means being careful in using beauty products, most especially the ones that we put in our face.

Here are some things that we need to keep in mind that will help take care of our skin:

• Do not use oil-based products because it will only add up to the oil that is already in your face. Use water-based products instead.
• Wash your face frequently to prevent the build-up of oil on the skin which, in turn, can eventually prevent acne. (More like killing two birds in one stone, as they say.)
• Remove your make up before going to bed (of course!) to avoid clogging of pores by dirt, chemicals and oil.
• Most importantly, you have to be consistent with your treatment. Mostly, people with are advised to use toners after cleansing. Moisturizers should be light, water based and non-comedeogenic (won't clog pores). Heavy creams and moisturizers used on oily skin simply make the problem worse.

Aside from all these, there are homemade skin recipes that one can use to take care of your face.

You can give the following a try and see what works best for you.

• Facial Cleanser. Mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of glycerin and a half cup of distilled water until smooth. Put it in a jar and place the jar in a double-boiler pot. Let the water in the outer pot boil and heat the mixture until it clears and thickens. Remove it from the heat and let it cool for 30 minutes. You can use it as a facial cleanser and is good for up to ten days.
• Green Tea Toner. All you need is a teabag of green tea and half a cup of boiling water. Steep the teabag for 3 minutes in the hot water then remove it. Once the water has cooled down, pour it in an empty toner bottle and use a regular toner. You can also add four drops of tea tree essential oil; tea tree oil not only helps moisturize the skin but also is a good antiseptic for pimples.

Homemade recipes will not only save you a fortune, it will also remind us that one need not spend too much to have great skin. All you need is a little research, and some leftovers.