How You Can Lose Weight The Chinese Way

Dec 6


John J. Albert

John J. Albert

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People always want to look better and feel bringing attention to them, not all people but at least most of them. The USA records the highest percentag...

People always want to look better and feel bringing attention to them,How You Can Lose Weight The Chinese Way Articles not all people but at least most of them. The USA records the highest percentage of overweight people in the world. But how many Chinese women or even men you have seen overweight before? Very little if any, right? So why not try to find out why these people don’t get over weight like most of the countries in the world. In this article we will get deeper and find out how to lose weight the Chinese way.

I am not saying that there are no overweight Chinese people but this is very noticed that most of them are slim and slender. Being overweight is possible no matter what your race or color is or where do you live, but really in the Chinese case we need to look deeper.

One thing that was tested in Japan is the Chinese tea called Okuma’s Wu Long Tea. This Wu Long tea is popular in China, the Japanese study showed that drinking this type of tea instead of the Japanese green tea together with a god diet and exercise have lead to burning more calories.

A normal thing that happens when someone eats a meal that contains carbohydrates is that the level of insulin increases. Insulin is an anabolic hormone which means that it helps building the body. When the level of insulin increases and there is a high level of carbohydrates in the blood it uses the carbohydrates in some body activities, but if the carbohydrates are more than the body needs the insulin uses it to build fat and store it in different areas of the body.

The Wu Long Chinese tea leads to decreasing the level of insulin release in the blood after a high carbohydrates meal. So just by drinking this tea before any meal that contains carbohydrates help controlling unhealthy weight gain. Unhealthy weight gain means gaining weight in the form fat stores not in the form of muscle mass.

This Japanese discovery is not the reason why people in China are drinking this tea. Actually it is been used by many Chinese ladies for long time to melt down fat stores in their bodies. Losing fat from the waist, butts or from over the stomach looks a very good benefit of Wu Long tea but this is not the only benefit of it. It also helps boosting body energy and improving the condition of the skin and clears it.