Improve Your Health By Losing Weight The Easy Way

Dec 6


John J. Albert

John J. Albert

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Many people want to lose weight and want to lose it fast. When they think of losing weight they may think of sauna. Actually sauna don’t make you lose...

Many people want to lose weight and want to lose it fast. When they think of losing weight they may think of sauna. Actually sauna don’t make you lose weight that you should be losing,Improve Your Health By Losing Weight The Easy Way Articles yes you may weigh yourself and find that you have lost 1 or 2 pounds in very short time but they weight decrease is lost by sweating which means that you have lost water not fat. So how to lose weight the right way and improve your health not only looking better?

You may recognize this from school during your childhood, they taught us to eat healthy, eat fruits and vegetables daily and to drink a lot of water. These are the healthy things that most of us heard of when we were children. Now when you take a look at most of the adverts on magazines or TV channels you will find that these companies offer junk food, junk pills, junk drinks and junk…..

On some other adverts you find a slim celebrity claiming that she/he has used this diet or pill to lose weight and look very sexy. I think that most of these people never used or even heard of the diet or pill they are advertising. Don’t pay attention to shiny things and buy a product after another just because a celebrity showed in its adverts.

As a result of wrong weight loss diets and pills a lot of people suffered from bulimia, anorexia, scurvy and malnutrition. Do you like to get one of these diseases just to look better? I don’t think so…

So leave all of this crab behind your back and let’s find out how to really lose weight the healthy way…

First thing of course is to stay away from any junk foods or drinks in case you still consume any of them. Junk food not only adds calories to your diet but also unhealthy calories that harm your body. Replacing soda with green tea or Chinese Wu Long tea should have a great effect on your weight loss journey.

Believe it or not one of my friends lost about 5 pounds in short time just by cutting off most of the sugar containing drinks. If you drink coffee or tea few times a day you can lose weight by only decreasing the number of times you drink them and also by decreasing the amount of sugar in each cup.

20 to 30 minutes of cardio exercises in addition to lowering easy to digest sugar in your diet and drinks should be enough to lose weight healthy. Cardio exercises are the exercises that increase your heart rate and respiration. For example jog for 30 minute every day or at least three times a week.

Follow the above tips and be patient and you will lose weight, may be it will be slower than other methods but this way is healthy and you will not gain weight again except if you went back to the same habits.