Is Breast Augmentation A Dying Trend?

Jun 30


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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More people are speaking out against unnatural breast augmentation and calling implants a fad. Not all women who undergo this procedure are victims of a trend though.

The popularity of breast augmentation exploded in the late nineties and it seemed for many years after that there was no relenting in the demand for implants.

But since its surge in popularity,Is Breast Augmentation A Dying Trend? Articles there have been many skeptics who consider the fascination with larger breasts a passing fad, one that will crash as dramatically as it rose. Teenage breast augmentation was also trendy for a period of time, with many young girls receiving or asking for breast surgery as a graduation or birthday gift.

There are many reasons why people are beginning to frown upon breast augmentation. One argument against the surgery is that many women choose implants that are overly large for their frame, resulting in an unnatural and even cartoonish appearance. People often cite celebrity examples who have breasts that appear “bolted on” or look like basketballs.

While there are certainly some prominent examples of poor breast augmentation visible in the media, these are exceptions and not the norm. A skilled surgeon and reasonable expectations results in a more natural look.

Even though in some ways it may be a fad that will fade over time, this shouldn’t necessarily be a deterrent for women who are considering the procedure. If you’re thinking of having your breasts enlarged, it’s important to carefully go over your options and reasoning behind your desire.

Why do you want implants? Is it for yourself or do you feel outside pressure to appear a certain way? The decision to undergo breast augmentation should be yours and yours alone.

For younger girls thinking of undergoing this procedure, with or without the consent or approval of their parents, maturity level is an important consideration, one which a qualified surgeon will take into account before agreeing to perform surgery. Most surgeons recommend women waiting until their late teens or early twenties before performing surgery, as the breasts can still continue to grow during this age.
Young women, especially those still in their teens, should not take surgery lightly.

There are many complications and potential risks that they should be aware of before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. And although breast implants can be removed if they change their minds in the future, a second surgery is necessary, presenting more risks and complications.

So how can you be sure you won’t be victim to a fashion or beauty fad? Research the procedure, including risks and complications, both practical and aesthetic. Consult with a various board-certified plastic surgeons and ask as many questions as you need.

Take your time when making your decision, weighing the pros and cons. Breast implants are a lifetime commitment that will permanently alter your body, so it’s important not to rush through the process.
Financial planning is also a factor when undergoing a cosmetic procedure.

Don’t go into debt for the sake of breast implants, but rather have the patience to save or find a sound and affordable payment plan system. By making a well-informed decision, you can ensure that you are doing yourself a service rather than succumbing to just another fad.
